Page 24 of Midlife Love Story

CJ paused for a quick second, unsure how to respond to my recalcitrant tone. “The old auto factory on the northwest edge of town is dilapidated and in need of an investor.”

“I’m aware.” I’d been working for the past year to entice some company to take over the building, turn it into something new and revive the stagnating industrial employment in the area.

“Well, the potential owners are interested. Extremely interested, Chase. But they want a reason to stay here, a reason to choose Carson Creek.” She leaned forward and I averted my gaze to her youthful face. “Give them a reason.”

“Thank you, CJ.” I knew what she was getting at, but tax breaks were no way to lure in potential business unless pleasing the rich overlords was your only concern. “I’ll take those words under advisement. Anything else?”

Her brows dipped in confusion. “Well no, I just figured you’d want the down-low on what they’re after.”

“And you’ve given it to me. Thank you.”

She nodded, still unsure of my firm tone. “You’re welcome?” I didn’t say a word and CJ leaned in closer. “Did I do something wrong, Chase?”

“No, not at all. Why?”

She straightened and took a step back. “No reason. You seem irritable today, that’s all. Should I reschedule the meeting? Or maybe you’d like it if I attended the meeting with you since I’ve been dealing with them for the past month and a half.”

“No thanks. You stay here and make sure nothing essential escapes my notice.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Maybe I should swing by before dinner so we can get your notes from the meeting jotted down. You know, while they’re fresh in your memory.” Dammit, Pippa was right. I would have to say something, or do something to dissuade CJ from whatever it was she was attempting.

“That’s a good idea, but not tonight. I have plans.”

“You do? No plans are on the schedule.”

I smiled patiently. “That’s because these are personal plans, the kind you don’t have your assistant set up for you. When you’re done at five, you can clock out and enjoy the rest of your evening, CJ. You’re young, go out and have fun or take selfies. Whatever it is young adults your age do for fun.”

“You come out with me and see for yourself.”

“I could, but that would be highly inappropriate, wouldn’t it?”

CJ shook her head with a sigh. “I’d call it improving our working relationship.”

Of course she would. “Not tonight.” I had plans tonight that included Carlotta, even though she didn’t know it yet.

“Okay,” she shrugged like it was no big deal, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes and the set of her shoulders. “Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Good luck with your meeting.”

I flashed a wide but professional smile. “Thank you CJ, for all of your hard work.”

“Uh, no problem. I’m always here to help if you need me.” She waited for me to say something, anything else, and when it became clear that I had nothing else to say, she turned and sauntered out of my office with all the fanfare of a visiting dignitary.

Alone again, I let my thoughts wander back to Carlotta and my plans for the evening.

My plans for her.

Chapter 13


Living alone as a single woman in the twenty-first century meant a girl could never be too cautious. I kept a bat beside my bedroom door, pepper spray on my keychain near the front door, and I had years of self-defense training under my belt. So, when the doorbell rang after nine o’clock in the evening, I went on full alert.

There was no good reason anyone would stop by at this hour without notice. Usually this meant a medical emergency, death, or worse, a wedding emergency. I stood and paused the singing competition I was barely paying attention to and sighed before I made my way to the door. Heart racing, I slid in front of the peephole, my breath hitched at the sight of Chase on my doorstep.

Chase? What is he doing here?

There was only one way to find out, so I sighed again and looked down at my outfit with a critical eye. Rainbow farting unicorns danced on my pajama pants, and the plain white tank I had on wasn’t exactly appropriate for company of the male variety. Then again Chase hadn’t said anything about our kiss a few days ago, so did it really matter?

Only one way to find out.