Page 20 of Midlife Love Story

“Not forever,” I called over my shoulder. “Just for a while. Get some sleep,” I told her and closed the front door behind me before she could say another word.

Chapter 11


“It’s a little early in the day for you to be drinking, isn’t it?” Grady stared down the length of his nose at me with a playful smirk. “Rough day?”

I sighed. “It’s not even noon yet,” I replied.

Grady only shrugged. “Look around Carlotta, this place isn’t exactly empty, and it’s not just because I make a mean pastrami on rye.”

“On another day I’d be here to indulge, but I have a cake tasting today and I need all the room I can make in here.” I patted my belly once and leaned back onto the bar, ignoring the way my stomach lurched at the idea that I’d been seeing Chase again. Soon. Really soon, and I couldn’t handle it. I was a mass of nerves and anxiety, and even excitement, which was crazy. Totally crazy, I knew that, but my body wasn’t working with the same goals as my head.

“Okay, so you’ve finally gotten up the courage to ask me out?”

“No,” I laughed. “You’re a looker for sure, but you don’t want a woman like me, I’m too high maintenance for you.”

“Maybe. Or maybe you’re just trying to let me down easy.” He winked to let me know he was just kidding.

“I’m actually here because I need you, Grady.”

He leaned forward, resting on his tattooed forearms with a sultry smile. “I’m listening.”

“I was wondering if you’d be up for bartending Pippa and Ryan’s wedding? You might not want to work it, and I totally get that, but I was thinking maybe we’d just do a couple signature cocktails in addition to beer and champagne. Nothing too crazy, but you have a way with people, and you’re used to handling tipsy folks, so I thought it’d be a natural fit.” The words rushed out of me nervously, even though Grady hadn’t given me any reason to worry.

“I get to keep the tips?”

I nod. “Of course. In addition to a flat rate for the day.”

Grady shook his head and my shoulders slumped. This was a perfect plan for Ryan and Pippa’s wedding. It would eliminate the need for drinks servers at the venue, which I still didn’t have yet. “Keep the flat rate, and I’ll work for tips. That’ll be my gift to the happy couple.”

I sat up taller and smiled. “You’d do that Grady?”

He nodded.

“How gracious,” Margot appeared beside me and sneered. “Giving a rock star a hundred-dollar wedding present. It’s probably more than you can afford.”

I gasped at her rudeness. “Unnecessary Margo, and rude as hell.”

“It’s called sincerity Margot. If there wasn’t a dark pit where your heart should be, you’d understand the concept.” He turned to me and ignored the sharp gasp and look of hurt on Margot’s face. “I’ll even create the cocktails for ’em. Just give me some tips on what they like, and if I should do one of those mocktails for Pippa.”

“That’s a great idea!” I stood and reached over the bar to wrap one arm around Grady in a clumsy hug. “Thank you so much. I’ll talk with Pippa and let her know! You’re the best Grady.”

“Don’t you forget it,” he drawled just as my phone vibrated with an alarm.

“I won’t forget it,” I told him. “Now it’s cake time. See you later.” I made my way outside, but not before I slid a pair of sunglasses over my eyes, and thank goodness I did, because Chase was already here, leaning against my truck, waiting for me. He looked good. No, he looked damn good, like one of those rom-com love interests. He was casually cool and stylish without really trying. The dark jeans fit his body perfectly, showing off the muscles he usually kept hidden, and a lightweight sweater that amplified his biceps. And pecs.

Enough! I shouted at my worked-up libido. “Hey.”

“Hey,” he said back, lips curling into a sexy, knowing smile. “You know, I’m not sure I will ever get used to the idea that you drive this thing.”

I shrugged, but couldn’t help smiling at his words. “Give it a few more trips and you’ll get used to it. Hop in.”

“I’ll just step in because I am adult sized,” he joked.

“Hey, petite is still adult sized! If anything, you’re kind of a giant.”

He laughed. “Are you trying to give me a complex so you can eat all the cake samples?”