Page 4 of Midlife Love Story

“Has the baby come yet?”

She nodded, her chocolate waves brushing against her shoulders. “Yep. You have, what I assume, is a very beautiful niece. I came down for some fresh air while the doctors got Pippa cleaned up and found you looking lost.”

“A girl.” I had a niece. A little girl who would need to be protected while her rock star father was on the road, entertaining the masses. “What are you doing with all these colors, then?”

Carlotta laughed again. “Your sister will go way over the top in perfectly pink girly stuff, and it’s your job, as her favorite uncle, to make sure she has options. Like other colors, and stripes and polka dots.”

“But…pink,” I said weakly.

“It’s your prerogative as Pippa’s younger brother to annoy her, Mr. Mayor, use it.”

I smiled. “I never realized you had a wicked streak Carlotta.”

“Me?” She put a hand to her chest, tone perfectly innocent. “Why, thank you.”

I rolled my eyes at her playful tone, but I couldn’t help smiling. “My pleasure,” I muttered and reached for a giant gift bag, and waited beside Carlotta while the cashier packed it all up for me.

“Here you are Mayor Carson. And congratulations on becoming an uncle.”

“Thank you, Lisa. I hope I can be the uncle she needs.” I turned to Carlotta and frowned. “You came with gifts?”

“No, this is Pippa’s pregnancy bag. I’m taking it up to her so she can get comfortable now that the hard part is over.”

“You think of everything.”

She laughed as we walked towards the elevator. “It’s my job to organize and plan. It’s what I do.”

It was more than that, and her humility surprised me, but I didn’t tell her that. Instead, I enjoyed the comfortable silence as the elevator carried us up to the maternity ward, the waiting room filled with pastel colors reminiscent of Easter. It was meant to be soothing, but I felt anything but soothed or calm.

“Where is everyone?”

“GG is probably on his way, same for Valona. The Gregory Brothers are out of town shooting a video or some other Hollywood thing.” Her smile was soft and sweet, and full of sympathy for some reason. “You’re not afraid to be alone with an itty bitty baby are you?”

I gritted my teeth before I could get my emotions in check. “No. Of course not. I’m just a little nervous.”

She sucked in a shocked breath. “But you’re so good with people. A little bit gruff, but good.”

“At least I’ve got you fooled,” I told her with a smile. “Babies are so tiny, and so easy to inadvertently hurt. They make me nervous.”

“Or, they’re so tiny and cute, and they smell so good. Think of it that way, and your nerves will fly, fly, fly away.” Carlotta stepped away from the elevator and turned over her shoulder with a grin. “You coming?”

“Yes.” My answer came out on a reluctant sigh, and I shook my head. “I’m not nervous to meet my niece, just to hold her.”

Her smile spread slowly and her laugh was low and husky, supremely feminine. “Of course.”

I stopped halfway down the hall when I realized I was alone with my oversized giraffe and bag of gifts. “You’re not coming?”

Carlotta shook her head. “Nope. I think this moment is just for you and Pippa, just a family affair.”

I nodded, even though I didn’t really think it was necessary for her to stay behind. Carlotta was practically family, she’d been around forever, had grown up in Carson Creek. Over the past few years we’d spent many holidays together at the soup kitchen on Christmas, and the food pantry for Easter and Thanksgiving. If she wasn’t family, what in the hell was she?

I shook off those thoughts as I stood in front of Pippa’s room, nervous, because my sister was now a mother, and my niece was inside with her. After a quick pep talk, I gave the door a quick tap with my knuckles and went inside.

“I heard there was a special delivery in here?”

“Chase!” Pippa’s blue eyes went wide with excitement. “You’re here.”

“Where else would I be?” I grinned. “I’m here to meet the newest addition to the family. Where is the little stinker?”