“Right?” Pie nudges me with her shoulder.

“Who knew erasing debt could be so fun?”

“And lucrative!”

“So…” I look at her. She’s bright with happiness. And whatever that was—whatever happened to me just a few minutes ago with the tomb—the uneasiness melts away. And Pie’s enthusiasm replaces it with a sense of warmth and belonging.

“Yep.” She giggles. “We can sex our way out of debt. I could be done with this whole thing in a week, Pell.”

I let out a sigh. “That’s a nice thought. Not that I mind you having a job. But I like the idea that this would be over.”

“Me too. But I have another surprise for you. An even better one.”

“I can’t wait.”

“I wrote a spell to get into your tomb.”


“Yep. Talina, she’s my assistant, she taught me how to spell today. And I wrote one that should”—she once again holds up a finger—“technically allow me to walk into your tomb. And if this works, then I can spell my way to a whole bunch of other things! Specifically, a spell that will let you walk through the portal door with me!”

“Wow. Really?” I picture what it would be like to go there. To be in Tarq’s world with her.

“Right?” Pie says. “I think I can do it, too. I think I’m just good at this spelling stuff. I mean, I did banish the sheriff with just the words ‘Get out.’ And I have the moths, Pell. We don’t even know what they really do yet. But if I spell my way into a moth poem, maybe I can figure it out. Maybe…” Her blue eyes sparkle. “Maybe I can do big magic too.”

She’s so excited. I love it. And I can’t help myself. I reach for her. I slide my palm around her neck and pull her towards me. And I kiss her. A long, slow, passionate I-really-missed-you-today kiss.

And when we pull apart, we’re both panting. I forget about the black tomb, and the fake Pie, and the words from Grant.

None of that was real.

But this girl? She’s right here in front of me.

“Do you want to try it out?”

“Do I want to take you into my tomb? Fuck yeah, I do.”

She claps again. “Yay! Let’s do it. Let’s do it right now.”

I stand up and offer her my hand. She blushes, then accepts my offer and allows me to pull her to her feet. I stare at her for a long moment, just taking her in. Those long legs, and her sleek blonde fur. The curve of her hips under her pants and the swell of her breasts under the blouse.

“Does everyone wear clothes in this other world, Pie?”

She knows I’m staring at her, lets me appreciate her, but slowly nods her head. “Yeah. They do. I mean, I guess there were a few satyrs with no clothes around the city when we were talking to get coffee yesterday, but for the most part, no dicks were swinging.”

I chuckle. “I’m glad to hear it.” I like Tarq, but I don’t want his swinging dick to be on my Pie’s mind all day while she’s at work.

We hold hands as I lead her into the maze of tombs towards the only one I have access to. My footsteps are heavy and thudding on the stone, while Pie’s are light and tapping. Her gait is bouncy, almost prancing. Like she’s got energy to burn and wants to run. The way a racehorse is just before it walks out onto the track.

I stop in front of my tomb. “Here we are.”

“This one?” Pie’s eyes slowly migrate up the five imposing Roman columns that guard the stoa. I can’t see past them right now because Pie is here with me, but usually the inner portico is visible.

“This is the one.”

“It’s really nice, Pell. It reminds me of those ancient temples. Like… the Sanctuary of Zeus, or whatever.”

These words conjure up a memory of a time so long ago, only the edges of it remain. “Yeah. I guess it kinda does.”