I don’t answer right away. I just look over my shoulder where Tomas is being shoved through the cathedral doors. Then I turn back to Pell and explain everything in a few simple sentences. “We can’t break the curse, Pell. Because it isn’t a curse, it’s a blessing. Saint Mark’s really is a sanctuary and it’s the one place in all the universe where we will always be safe.”



I lie in bed, drifting in a half-dream state. Pie’s breathing is still even and slow. She’s still asleep. I don’t want to wake her. Yet, anyway. I have big plans for this bed before we leave it, but we’ve had kind of a big week and she needs the rest.

So I let my thoughts wander and I ponder all the things that have happened since she stumbled into the monsters of Saint Mark’s. That was what, two months ago? She’s done more for this place in two months than anyone else did in two thousand years.

This is cute, and awesome, and says a lot for Pie’s magic.

But there’s more to it.

I don’t want to think about that ‘more’ part just yet. When there’s more to the story it’s usually details, and what’s that old saying? The devil’s in the details?

There’s a devil waiting for us. I can feel it. But he’s not waiting for us here. Because this is sanctuary. And Pie is right—this is the safest place in the whole universe for people like us.

I have a lot of questions about the Bottoms, as she called it. She described it as an upside-down copy of Saint Mark’s, but it wasn’t upside down. I look over at her now and chuckle.


But it’s kinda crazy that she actually solved the mystery of the tombs. They are prisoners. I mean, I guess I always kind of knew that. I’ve certainly felt like a prisoner over the centuries. But they are not monsters in that prison. They are human and they have been stripped of their magic.

So this makes me… what? A warden?

It feels right but I can’t be sure.

I’ve tried to get into the dungeon to see Tomas so he could be my translator when I ask some of the more sociable monsters if they know anything about this Bottoms place, but that smell is back. Which is not a good sign for Tomas. He’s reverting back into his dragon form. I’m not sure why he was suddenly a chimera and able to leave the sanctuary these past several weeks, but this privilege has obviously worn off. I’m thinking it’s best to leave him alone. He was new to the whole ‘human’ thing. He got attached to one and she died. That’s not going to be easy to deal with and I don’t want anything to do with him when he’s in that kind of emotional state of mind.

Granite Springs did burn. But when I went over there yesterday to see what was left, all of it was still there. No sign that a fire ever occurred. I might be worried about this if I hadn’t already seen the sanctuary rebuild itself after Tomas burned us down too. The one thing that did make sense was the fog surrounding the place. I know that fog. So I have a sneaking feeling that Granite Springs is just as much a part of Saint Mark’s as Saint Mark’s is a part of Granite Springs. I don’t really understand how that connection works, but I’m convinced it’s there.

I drove down Main Street just as the sun was setting last night. The whole place was dead. Not like in ‘dead’ dead. But quiet and dark. No one in the shops, no one in the diner, no one on the streets. I even went inside a few places—including the sheriff’s station—and they were all empty of people.

But nothing was a mess. Everything was neat and orderly. It almost looked like it was lunchtime, or something, and everyone was in the breakroom getting coffee or eating a sandwich. Like they could appear at any moment.

Of course, they didn’t appear and then the sun went down and the whole place went dark.

I left the sheriff’s station and when I got outside the darkness really sank in. It was a lesson in contrast because Main Street was nothing more than foggy shadows with the exception of one sign over the bar that flickered ‘Savage Saints’ at me in crackling orange and red neon.

I could hear music in there too. Rock and roll. Old-time rock and roll. Like that ball and chain song that was playing the night Pie and I had our date.

That’s when the whole details thing first came to mind.

If there was a devil in this story, that’s where I would find him. And this lit-up sign in the winter darkness of Pennsylvania was an invitation to negotiate.

I went home.

I have no doubt that I will find out who’s really running Granite Springs soon enough. I don’t need to speed things up.

First, we deal with Tarq, and that Vinca world, and our newest prisoner.

Then we can think about the town.

But I couldn’t help but wonder about my own role at Saint Mark’s on the drive home. Why am I really here? To protect Tarq’s tomb so he can protect the spellbook? Well, I’ve got the book now and I’m also privy to a pretty amazing apothecary, greenhouse, and a whole team of magical monster alchemists.

It kinda feels like I’m expected to do something with all these advantages.

And Pie has erased her debt to Tarq. She’s still in debt to me. I have her book too and her name is still in there. But every time we kiss, or hug, or even do the simplest things that make me happy like hold hands or laugh—her debt is erased.