“Oh, right.” Lachlan gestured to the loch. “I think it might be nice to create a party area here for the ceilidh. Somewhere quieter, romantic. Light lanterns across the loch, have a deejay play mood music, have a bar here, that sort of thing.”


“And I thought we could set off the fireworks here instead of up at the castle, but I wondered if that would affect the anti-drone perimeter?”

“The fireworks shouldn’t be a problem, but maybe there’s an alternative to fireworks … though, the cost would be exponentially higher.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Drone displays. We’d need to make sure the display was well within the perimeter so as not to set off the anti-drone system, but they’re more environmentally friendly, and I know you’re working toward making the estate greener.”

Lachlan tilted his mouth in consideration. “I’ve seen them. They’re quite effective. How much are we talking?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know offhand, but easily six figures.”

He cursed under his breath. “For a light show?” But I knew Lachlan’s expressions enough to know that the idea intrigued him. “Maybe I know someone who can get me a discount.”


“I’ll look into it. It would be something different, and you know I’m always looking for ways to keep the members surprised and satisfied. I could …”

My phone buzzed in my jacket pocket, and Lachlan’s voice faded into the background at the sight of Arro’s name on my screen. I clicked on the notification.

I can do coffee. Flora’s tomorrow at noon?

I felt so fucking euphoric, you’d think she’d just agreed to marry me. I quickly typed back I’d meet her there and that I was looking forward to it.


Glancing up from my phone, I found Lachlan smirking at me. “What?”

“She texted you back?”

“Aye, how did you know? Also, I don’t know about you, but I still find it strange discussing this with you.”

“Well, get over it because if she forgives you, this will be our lives moving forward. And I knew because you’re grinning like a Cheshire cat.” He smacked me on the back as he strode toward the castle. “You’re a lost cause, man.”

I followed him. “Says the man owned by my daughter. She bought you a leash yet?”

Lachlan threw his head back in laughter. “As her father, I’ll save you the horror of answering that question.”

“Fuck off.”

The bastard only laughed harder.

“Keep laughing, and I won’t tell you what I really think about your plans for the loch.”

Lachlan stalled and looked back at me. “Go on, then.”

“It’s a bad idea. Right now, the members respect the grounds. Turn Loch Ardnoch into a party area, and they might think it’s okay to go down there whenever they want for a knees-up. Besides, the cleanup will be a pain in the arse. All those water lanterns, the inevitable rubbish and damage to the land …”

“You’ve got to give the members some credit, Mac.” Lachlan frowned, his gaze moving past my shoulders, and I could tell my concerns were sinking in.

“Never mind the fact that they might think it’s okay to do the same at Loch Evelyn.” It was a smaller loch down by the coast, named after Lachlan’s ancestor. “Drunk people do stupid shit, Lachlan.”

He nodded, heaving an exasperated sigh. “I just wanted to do something different this year.”

“Then do it on the castle’s main grounds. Save some of that budget for the drones. Just leave the loch alone. I think Eredine and the staff who live at the loch will appreciate that too.”