I wasn’t even aware of her existence beyond her name on our member roster.

“Ms. Benning, I’m on my way to a meeting. Is there something you need? I can call on Wakefield.”

She frowned at my continued flatness. “Okay, maybe I need to be more forward with you Scottish guys. I think you’re hot, and I want to fuck you. When can we do that?”

I blinked, surprised anything could still shock me. Not that women hadn’t spoken plainly to me like this before or that club members (of all genders) hadn’t tried to slip their room cards into my hand … but Iris Benning was barely out of childhood. It was disturbing.

Using the same bland but diplomatic tone I’d used with previous members who’d wanted to sleep with me, I said, “Ms. Benning, as head of security for Ardnoch Estate, that would not be appropriate. Have a good day.” I moved to walk past her, but she wrapped her hand with her long, spiky nails around my forearm. Fuck.

“No one needs to know, Mac.” She closed the gap between us again, her too-sweet perfume irritating. “Please.” Iris pouted in a way I assumed she thought was seductive. “I have all these daddy fantasies running through my head I’m dying to act out with you.”

Shuddering in horror, I pulled my arm from her grip. “Aye, nope. Not going to happen.” I shuddered involuntarily again and strode away.

“Ooh, playing hard to get,” Iris called loudly enough for anyone to hear. “I like it!”

I grimaced.

Save me from bored film stars.

Taking a deep breath, I marched left down the narrow staff corridor and toward the side exit. I burst into the humid summer air and tried to forget about the odd interlude as I made my way down to Loch Ardnoch.

Less than ten minutes later, I spotted Lachlan on the pathway at the top of the loch. The sun glinted off the placid water, and its stillness created a calm. Eredine’s studio was in cabin one, and I could see her walking past the gabled end window.

“What’s happening?” I greeted Lachlan.

My friend raised an eyebrow. “You took your time.”

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. “Iris Benning accosted me.”

“What?” Lachlan scowled.

“Ach, it was nothing either of us hasn’t dealt with before.” I considered that. “Okay, this was a wee bit more upsetting than usual.”

“What the hell did she say?”

“She was … blunt.”

“Need me to have a word?”

“’Course not. I’ve just added her to my ‘know when they’re here so I can avoid them’ list.”

Lachlan chuckled and turned back to the water. “Angeline Potter still on that list?”

“Still top.” The British actor tried to corner me almost every time she visited the estate.

“Oh, how awful it must be,” my friend teased, “to be wanted.”

His words hit with deadly aim. After taking Iona’s advice, I’d tried to call Arro, but it went straight to voice mail. So I’d texted her this morning instead to ask if she’d like to meet for coffee tomorrow. No response. Fucking crickets.

“Sorry.” Lachlan studied me. “Didn’t mean to piss you off.”

I told him about Arro.

He sighed heavily. “Give her time. And don’t let her catch an oversexed starlet barely out of high school flirting with you.”

“That would require Arro to be in the same room as me.” I glowered.

Lachlan opened his mouth to reply, but agitated, I decided I no longer wanted to discuss his sister. “Why did you need me here?”