My family gathered in his living room, and my gaze zeroed in on Mac. He watched me, almost predatory, from his seat on the recliner, and I quickly looked away as Lachlan and Robyn stood to greet me. They’d already seen Regan, so I was lucky enough to be showered with all their affection.

“I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon, despite all this crap,” I said apologetically.

“Don’t worry about it,” Robyn assured me. “We had a great time.”

“Though we were eager to get home by the time we found out what was happening here,” Lachlan admitted. “Robyn plagued me about five times a day to change our flight, and nothing but sex would shut her up. It was exhausting.”

Robyn shot him a dirty look, and he flashed her a wicked grin.

“It sounds like you were very worried,” I observed dryly.

My brother’s wife was serious as she said, “We really were. I’m glad we’re home. Let’s talk about it.” She gestured to the massive corner sofa occupied by Thane, Regan, and Arran.

“Can I get you a drink, Arro?” Lachlan offered.

“I’m all right, thanks.”

Ignoring Mac’s penetrating gaze, I sat down on the sofa and was joined by Robyn. Lachlan took the armchair next to Mac’s recliner.

“Oh.” My eldest brother got up again and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a fob. “Before I forget.” He handed it to me, and I took it as he explained, “Black Defender outside is yours to use until you get yours back from the police.”

“Thanks.” I smiled gratefully. “They said by the end of the week, so I can return this to you then.”

“Maybe see how you like driving it first.” Lachlan sat back down. “It’s safer than your old one.”

I had a sentimental attachment to my Defender, which we both knew. “I can’t get rid of Dad’s car.”

Lachlan gave me a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “We’d put it in storage. I just want you safe.”

“It is safe,” I insisted gently.

“This one is safer and it would make your big brother sleep better at night knowing you’re in a safe vehicle.”

Damn him. He pulled out the big guns there.

“We’ll talk about that later,” Robyn said, drawing my focus. Her expression was hard, determined, and I recognized it from when she was investigating Mac’s stabbing. “Any word from the police regarding prints?”

“No prints so far. They want to do a few more interior checks, but I don’t think whoever did this broke into my car.”

“We need to think about where this is going next,” Mac put in, and I forced myself to look at him. Our eyes met and held, his roiling with emotion I didn’t want to contemplate. “The next note,” he continued, his voice a wee bit gruffer than before, “was WHY WON’T YOU SEE ME? It was written on Post-it notes all over Lachlan’s stage office. It’s when the tone of the notes changed.”

“But should we be looking at this from the same perspective as before?” Regan asked. “I mean, this could just be some asshole playing a prank.”

“That’s true,” Arran agreed.

“Yeah, it could be.” Robyn nodded. “But considering what this family has been through this past year, we need to be extra cautious. For now, we’re taking this seriously, so I want suspects.”

“I’m with Robyn,” Mac said.

I didn’t look at him this time. It was too difficult to stay numb when I looked at him.

“Suspects, then?” Lachlan asked. “Thoughts, Arro?”

“I can’t think of anyone specific.”

“There’s that Duncan guy,” Arran said.

“Duncan?” Mac’s voice was like a whip.