I needed aspirin, water, and when I was ready, food.

Focusing on that goal, I made sure my kilt covered everything vital and strode out of the office, forcing myself not to lean into the dizziness.

The castle was awake with activity, staff moving back and forth, guests preparing to leave. A few staff members nodded in greeting, and I nodded back, wondering if I looked as green as I bloody felt.

Then, as if being punished, the first person I saw descending the stairs in the great hall was Grayson Evans.

Not once in the fifteen years I’d known Evans did I have a problem with him. He was Lachlan’s mate. He seemed like an all right bloke. But as that fucker’s gaze locked with mine and he grinned as he approached, I had to curl my hands into fists to keep from decking him.

“Hey, Mac, how are you this morning? Gotta admit, I’m fighting a hangover.”

I took in the small carry-on he rolled beside him, then drifted up the staircase.

No Arro.

Yet I’d watched her leave the reception with this bastard last night. Did her absence mean she’d left already? Grayson looked far too relaxed for my liking. Had this bastard slept with Arro? Jealousy was a tight knot, twisting and twisting in my gut until I couldn’t stand it. It was not an unfamiliar feeling. Arro had dated a few men since that New Year’s Eve we first kissed, and I’d hated every single one of the arseholes.

“Hey, man, you okay?” Gray frowned when I didn’t answer.

I nodded. “Fine.”

Gray narrowed his eyes. “Okay. Hungover, I get it. Well, I’ll see you around. Stay cool, Mac.”

Stay fucking cool? Was he kidding? I tried not to sneer as I nodded again, watching him leave, hoping that he didn’t carry Arro’s number on his phone.

Sighing, I stepped aside as other guests came downstairs, some walking toward the dining room where breakfast would be served, others heading out the front door to depart. There was no way I could drive myself home, no matter the short distance. I’d have to ask one of my team to drive me.

What an arse. I’d made a right nuisance of myself.


I glanced over as Robyn and Lachlan descended the staircase and strode toward me. My nausea was overtaken with pride and gratitude as I looked at my daughter and friend. Neither of them looked hungover but were fresh-faced and so happy, it was infectious. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Dad.” Robyn stood on tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “You look a little worse for wear.”

“Too much whisky.” I blanched, scratching my unshaven cheeks. Almost a beard now, I thought absentmindedly. “I didn’t do anything embarrassing … right?”

Lachlan snorted. “You flirted so much with Jasmine, I thought Autry would kill you, but other than that, no.”

“Fuck,” I huffed in disbelief. What a prick. “I’ll apologize.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Robyn assured me. “Autry knows you were drunk, and from what I gather, Jasmine enjoyed the fruits of his jealousy.”

I grimaced. “Right. Well …” I glanced over their casual outfits, and realization hit me. Their Hawaiian honeymoon. “Shit, are you leaving now?”

“Aye,” Lachlan said just as Wakefield, the estate butler, appeared like magic.

“Sir, your luggage is loaded and your driver is ready.”

“Thank you, Wakefield.”

“Wakefield—” I caught him before he could leave. “Could you ask one of the men to bring a car around for me? I’m afraid I’m unable to drive myself home.”

His expression forever neutral, he nodded. “Of course, sir.”

“You should stay and eat something first.” Robyn’s brows pinched with worry.

I reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’s just a hangover. And I’d prefer to be alone to deal with it.”