Page 80 of A Chance Encounter

“How much will it cost for you to sign, agreeing not to use Sophia’s name, story, and that image in any story you write?”

“Easton,” I gasp. He can’t seriously be considering paying her off.

“How much?” he repeats.

Her eyes light up, and I want to scratch her eyeballs out. Victim, my ass. Freeman might’ve screwed her over, but the money signs flashing in her eyes tell me her true motives.

“One million.”

“No—” I begin.

“Done,” Easton says. “I’ll have my attorney draw up the paperwork that will state if you ever speak of or write about Sophia or her daughter in any way, or share that photo, you will not only have to pay back the money I gave you, but I will sue you. Do you understand?”

“Understood.” She plucks the business card out of my hand and gives it to Easton. “Call me when the contract is drawn up.” Then she saunters out of the house, with swagger she didn’t have walking in.



“How could you do that?” Sophia asks the second Rachel is out the door. “A million dollars? That’s a lot of money.”

“I would’ve given her double, hell, triple that,” I admit, roping my arms around her. “I told you I would protect you and Kendall, and I meant that.”


“No buts, Dash. A million dollars is a drop in the bucket. The last time Forbes checked, I was worth over six hundred million dollars. A measly one mil is worth knowing she’ll keep her mouth shut. I’m smart with my money, I don’t overspend, and my financial advisor makes extremely profitable investments. I doubt I’ll ever be able to spend what I’m worth in my lifetime.”

Her jaw drops. “I can’t even imagine…”

“Well, you better start, because once we’re married, what’s mine is yours, and whatever we can’t spend in our lifetime will go to our kids.”

“Easton,” she breathes. “I don’t…I assumed I’d have to sign a—”

“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence. We’re marrying for love, and there’s no way in hell I’m starting our marriage signing a paper that stipulates what happens if we don’t work.” I kiss her hard on the mouth. “You’re mine for life, Dash, so you better get used to it.”

The Night Before the Wedding

“We’ve been contacted by Mr. Carmichael.”


“He’s agreed to meet this afternoon.”

I glance at the clock. I can’t postpone this. I’ve been waiting for this. “Fuck, all right, I’m on my way.”

“You’re on your way where?” Sophia asks, walking in and catching the end of my statement. I hang up and pocket my phone.

“I have a meeting I have to get to…in California.”

Her eyes go wide. “Today? Our wedding is tomorrow.”

“And I’ll be there, I promise.” I fist the back of her head and pull her face toward mine for a kiss. “If it weren’t important, I would put it off, but I have to go. I’ll be there, Dash. I promise. I’ll be the one in black.” I pull back and wink.

She rolls her eyes. “Very funny. You better be there, because I promise you if you’re not…If I walk down that aisle and you’re not standing there…”

“Stop.” I kiss her one more time. “There is nothing that will keep me from marrying you tomorrow.”

The flight to the West Coast is long, but I spend the time jotting down some notes for my vows. Sophia and I agreed to say our own, and for the most part I’m planning to speak from the heart, but I’m afraid I’ll get up there, see her in her dress, and all thought will leave me.

When I arrive at LAX, a town car is waiting for me. I head straight to my attorney’s office, not wanting to waste a second. If all goes well, I can be back in New York before nightfall.

I walk past the receptionist, giving her a slight head nod, since she already knows Daniel is expecting me. He’s been my family’s personal attorney as well as a close friend for years.

“Mr. Maxwell.” I step into his office and shake his hand, ignoring the asshole sitting in the chair in front of Daniel’s desk. “How are you?”

“I’m good, man.” There’s a twinkle in his eye because he’ll be attending the wedding tomorrow, but he’s not mentioning that.

“Enough with the bullshit,” Freeman says from behind me. “You asked for this fucking meeting. Made your threats. I’m here.”

I stifle my smirk. “I did. Thank you.”

“Get to the point. I don’t have time for this.”

“Mr. Blackwood is requesting you relinquish all your rights to Kendall Naomi Davis.” Daniel pushes the papers across his desk.

“In exchange for what?” he scoffs.

“Nothing,” I tell him. “You’re going to do it because you’re a piece of shit and I want to make sure you can never threaten my soon-to-be wife again.”

Freeman glares. “That bitch—”

I’m on him before he can finish his sentence, my fist connecting with his ugly fucking face. “That beautiful woman is my fiancée,” I bark, taking a step back. “And you will speak about her with respect. Got it?”