Page 67 of A Chance Encounter

“Nic?” My voice is gravelly, laced with sleep. After Sophia was done riding me on the couch, we showered and went to bed. I wrapped myself around her with the intention of going to sleep, but I swear the woman is an addiction I can’t control. One sniff of her sexy scent. One touch of her smooth skin. One look at her pregnant belly. And I’m a goner. I made her come two more times before she passed out from an orgasm-induced coma. I should’ve gone to sleep as well, but I couldn’t stop watching her—how content she looked snoring softly next to me—one hand on her belly in a protective manner, with a slight smile on her face. And I silently vowed to make sure that look of contentment never leaves her face again. Which led me to hours of sending texts and emails to ensure just that.

“Sorry to wake you,” Nicole says, actually sounding as such. “But we have a little issue.” I hold my breath, praying what she says doesn’t include Freeman Carmichael. I meant what I told Sophia—I will make sure he never goes near either of them—but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to handle shit this soon. Sophia is finally coming around, has opened up, and the last thing I want is that asshole showing up in some way and her shutting down.

“What happened?” I whisper. “What’s wrong?” I’m about to stand, so I can talk at a normal level, when a soft hand grips my arm. I look over and find Sophia awake, her eyes burning into my own. She’s heard my question and she’s scared. I pull her toward me and wrap my arm around her, so she knows I’ve got her back. Whatever it is we’ll deal with this together.

“You were spotted in Big Bear and the paparazzi have linked you and Sophia. They’re using the images that went around when her friend was looking for you and are comparing them to the pictures of the three of you yesterday.”

I put the phone on speaker and set it on my stomach. “Nicole, you’re on speaker phone. So, they know Sophia and I are together?” Sophia audibly sighs now that she knows the issue isn’t regarding that piece of shit sperm donor.

“They’re speculating. We were able to remove the photos before and it died down, them thinking it was a photoshoot, and then you left for tour…But now they’ve got pictures of the three of you looking like a happy family.”

I glance at Sophia and smile. “Isn’t that what we are?”

She smiles back and nods. “Yeah, we are.”

“They don’t know she’s pregnant,” Nicole says. “Her jacket is puffy, hiding her bump, but we’re going to have to do something… say something. I mean, we can ignore it, but now that they’re connecting the dots, they’re going to attack like vultures. Sophia’s page is set to private and it doesn’t have her last name on it, but it won’t be long until they’re digging up her info and chasing every lead.”

My eyes stay on Sophia while Nicole talks to see how she responds. I look for any sign of her being upset about this, but I don’t see any.

“Did you mean it when you said you’re okay with us announcing that we’re together and expecting a baby?” I ask her.

She nods.

“You’re sure?” It won’t be easy to spin this to hide it, but I’ll do whatever I can if she isn’t on board.

“I’m sure,” she says with determination in her tone. “But, umm…” Her cheeks blush a soft pink. “Could we maybe tell a little lie?” Nicole and I stay quiet while she explains herself. “Maybe we could say we were dating and then I got pregnant?” She shrugs, her pink cheeks heating to a darker shade. “I know it’s stupid, but women aren’t exactly painted in the best light when they admit to a one-night stand with a stranger.”

“Absolutely,” Nicole says without missing a beat. “Nobody will ever know different. So, how do you want to do this? I’m thinking posting on social media is the best option. Make it personal with a picture of the two of you—”

“Three,” I correct. “Kendall is just as much a part of this, and I would rather them learn about her from me.” Sophia’s head bobs up and down in agreement. “I’ll post a picture we took yesterday with a caption.”

“Okay,” Nicole says. “You need to do it now. Send Preston what you’re planning to post so he can tweak if necessary and approve.”

“You got it. Thanks, Nic.”

“Who’s Preston?” Sophia asks, once I hang up.

“He’s part of my PR team. He’s in charge of my social media. You know how sometimes celebrities post shit they shouldn’t, then later have to apologize? Preston makes sure I don’t do that. I’m not allowed to post anything without his permission.”