Page 64 of A Chance Encounter

“Umm, she says, ‘You get what you get and you don’t get upset.’” She mocks my voice, making both of us laugh.

“And she says, ‘If you don’t eat your dinner, no dessert.’” Her voice this time is deeper, like I’m reprimanding her.

“That’s a good one.” Easton nods. “My parents used to say that one to me too. What else?”

“Oh! She always says to Aunt Naomi, ‘I’m going to be single for-ev-er.’”

“Hey!” I spin around in my seat, glaring at my little parrot. “Quit throwing me under the bus, kid!”

Her nose scrunches up in confusion. “I didn’t throw you under the bus. I love you.”

Easton snorts. “Forget the Kardashians, K needs her own reality show. Are all kids this funny?”

“Oh yeah, she’s a riot,” I say dryly.

“Well, at least you don’t have to worry about being single.” He shrugs. “You’re officially taken.”

His fingers intertwine with mine and I glance down at them, loving the way his strong hand envelops my smaller one. It reminds me how strong and protective he is and how safe I feel when I’m with him.

Out of nowhere, I feel a flutter in my belly and my hand instinctively goes to it.

“What’s wrong?” Easton asks, his gaze darting between my face, my belly, and the road.

“I felt the baby,” I say in awe. “It’s not like a kick yet, but I could feel him tumbling around in there.”

Easton grins. “He’s the size of a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream this week.”

“Mmm…My favorite is Phish Food.”

“I think that’s everyone’s favorite,” he agrees.

Two hours later we arrive at Big Bear Mountain. I’ve heard of the place but have never been here. Easton explains to Kendall there’s snowtubing, sledding, and snowboarding, and Kendall shrieks in excitement, sticking her face against the window. Apparently, a friend of his has a cabin here and has lent it to Easton for the weekend.

“I thought you wanted to show us around where you live?” I ask, as we drive down the road where several cabins are situated on both sides of the road.

“There’s nothing there worth seeing,” he says with a shrug. I hear the hidden meaning behind his words and appreciate it more than he knows. “I had my sister contact a realtor. I’m putting the house up for sale.”

I gasp. “But that’s your home.”

Easton glances at me for a second before he looks back out in front of him. “That place is just a house, a dwelling where I slept. My home is where you are, Dash. You and Kendall and that baby…You guys are my home.”

My heart feels as though it’s going to implode in my chest. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. To my parents, I was an accident, a burden. My mom was brought down by my presence and my dad didn’t care about me enough to stay. I know Naomi loves me, but her home is with Dante. Kendall and I were only temporary—and I get it completely. We’re part of her life, just like she’s part of ours, but her home is with her soon-to-be husband.

But to Easton…I’m his home. The place where he wants to be. I’m the person he wants to be with. Not out of obligation, but because he cares about me. I’ve never had anyone feel that way about me and I didn’t realize until this moment how badly I needed to feel wanted—ached to feel wanted.

“Hey,” he says softly, lifting his hand from my thigh and swiping a tear I didn’t know had fallen. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I tell him, reaching over and wrapping my arms around his neck—carefully, so he doesn’t crash. “Everything is perfect.” I kiss his cheek and feel him smile.

“Ohh, Mommy, you kissed Easton! That means you’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“That’s right, Sunshine,” I tell her. “That’s exactly what it means.”

“Pink! No, yellow! Wait, pink!” Kendall says. “Pink!”

“You sure?” I ask, before I grab the snowsuit.

“Yes, pink, please.”

“Okay.” I grab it off the rack, then take it, along with her snow boots, mittens, and hat, over to where Easton’s standing, talking to the gentleman about the snowtubing. It’s cool in LA, but not as cold as it is up in the mountains, so we have to pick up some warmer clothes. I grabbed some gloves and a beanie, and a thicker jacket for me, but because I’m pregnant and won’t be in the snow, I don’t need the extra warmth Kendall will need.

Easton is wearing a hoodie and beanie to kind of hide his face the best he can, so he can last as long as possible without being noticed, but I’ve already seen a few people pointing his way. Thankfully, once we’re done in here, he’ll be on the courses with Kendall and away from everyone.

“Got everything you need?” he asks, grabbing the items from me.