Page 51 of A Chance Encounter

“How are you feeling?” I ask Sophia.

“I’m okay. Better now that I’m no longer dehydrated and they’ve given me medicine to stop the nausea.”

“You’re working too hard. You need to take it easy.”

“It was the flu,” she argues.

“That you tried to work through, to the point you got dehydrated and passed out.”

“I’m okay now.”

“The doctor would like her to rest,” Naomi says. “I’m going to temporarily move back in.”

“No, you’re not,” Sophia tells her.

“No, she’s not,” I agree. “Because you’re moving.”

“Not until I find a place. I still have a month…”

“You’re moving into the house I bought.”

“What?” She gasps. “That’s not happening. I told you I need space! I can’t live with you.” Her heart rate monitor starts to ding faster and my eyes swing over to it, watching as the numbers increase, before turning my attention back to Sophia. She’s stressed—because she needs space… She doesn’t want to be around me. She’s made that abundantly clear over and over again, but I ignored her, hoping I could convince her otherwise. I thought she was just scared, but looking at her now, her eyes wide with horror, it hits me like a wrecking ball. She needs space. Real space. From me.

“I know,” I tell her calmly, not wanting to upset her more. “And I’m giving you your space. I’ll—”

“Hey, guys,” my mom says, cutting in. “I think someone is getting sleepy.” She nods toward Kendall, who is curled up in the recliner, half-asleep.

“I can take her back to our place,” Naomi offers.

“But I want to stay with Mommy,” Kendall argues through her yawn, her eyes half-lidded from exhaustion.

“I have to stay overnight,” Sophia tells her. “You won’t be comfortable here. There’s no bed, plus you have school tomorrow.”

“Fine.” Kendall sighs. “But I don’t want to go to school. Please. I want to come see you.” Kendall pouts, her eyes filling with tears.

“Okay,” Sophia tells her, “you can skip school tomorrow and come see me.” She turns her attention to Naomi. “You have an early morning appointment with your bride-to-be. Are you sure you can bring her back here and make it there in time?”

“I don’t mind taking her,” my mom offers. “I can stay with her at your place and bring her back in the morning.”

“Are you sure?” Sophia asks.

“Spending time with this little princess is hardly a hardship,” Mom says, smiling. And I know she means that. She told me about hanging out with Kendall and how much she enjoyed it. She misses having kids in the house and is looking forward to becoming a grandmother.

“Okay,” Kendall says. “Let’s go, Alicia. I’m ready to go home. I’m tired.”

Sophia stifles her laugh. “Be good.”

“Duh.” Kendall hugs her mom from the side. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Sophia kisses the top of her head.

“I love you more,” Kendall volleys.

“Impossible,” Sophia counters, making Kendall playfully roll her eyes.

“I love you, baby brother.” Kendall leans over and kisses the side of Sophia’s belly.

Sophia’s eyes prick with tears. “You’re going to be such a good big sister.”

“I know,” Kendall says, taking my mom’s hand. “Bye, Aunt Naomi. Bye Uncle Dante. Bye Easton’s daddy…”

My dad chuckles. “You can call me Sean, and I’m coming with you. Gotta make sure you two get home safely.” He steps over to Sophia and squeezes her shoulder. “I’m glad you and the baby are okay. If you need anything, we’re here.”

“Thank you. You’re welcome to stay at my place with Alicia,” Sophia offers.

“I have some work to do, so I’m going to drop them off and let them have a girls’ night.” He winks playfully. “I’ll pick them back up in the morning and bring them to you.”

“Thank you,” Sophia says. “Thank you, everyone, for being here.”

“That’s what family is for,” Mom says with a warm smile. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest.” She kisses Sophia’s forehead and then she, my dad, and Kendall head out.

“I guess we’ll get going too,” Naomi says. “If you need anything…”

“I know, thank you.”

Naomi leans in and kisses Sophia’s cheek. “I know this is hard for you, but you have a lot of people who care for you. Maybe it’s time to let them in.”

Sophia closes her eyes and nods. “Love you.”

“Love you more, Soph.”


After Naomi and Dante leave, I pick up where we left off…

“As I was saying earlier, you’re moving into the house I bought.”

She opens her mouth to no doubt argue, but I shake my head. “No, we did this your way. Everything, from the moment I found out you were pregnant, has been on your terms, and you ended up in the hospital. Now we’re doing it my way.” Her eyes turn into small slits. “You’ve been in the hospital twice now with scares,” I continue. “If you had to work, it would be one thing, but I have money… a fuck ton of it.” I don’t usually brag, but I’m at my limit with this woman. If she doesn’t want me, I can’t make her be with me, but she’s carrying my baby, and as his father, I have every right to make sure they’re both taken care of. “I’m done sitting back and watching you struggle, so you can sing to the tune of Independent.”