Page 21 of A Chance Encounter

“What the hell?” Mom hisses. “Of course if the baby’s yours, you’ll be in his or her life, and how dare she get upset at you for trying to do the right thing.” I can hear it in her tone she’s not fond of Sophia, and the last thing I want is for my family to dislike her, so I explain…

“I think she’s just scared and maybe cynical. It seemed like she comes from a home where one of her parents didn’t want her.” Mom’s face softens. “It was as if she didn’t want me to feel obligated. Like she was scared I would say I want to be in the baby’s life and then later dip.”

“I’m not going to give you a lecture on safe sex,” Mom says. “It’s too late now and I’ve done that enough over the years. Besides, you’re a grown man. But what you need to understand now, is that this baby is a life-long commitment. No matter what happens from this point on, you and…”

“Sophia. Her name is Sophia Davis. She’s twenty-five, lives here in New York, and is in college.”

“You and Sophia will be in this together,” Mom says. “It’s why your father and I always encouraged you both to get married before having babies. Having a successful relationship in our world is already difficult as it is. Raising a baby with someone you don’t even know…” She shakes her head, and I hate that I’ve disappointed her. This isn’t how I wanted shit to go down. I’ve always been careful. I might be seen with various women at events and social gatherings, but I’m picky about who I sleep with, and up until now, I’ve always used protection. I don’t know what it is about her that had my head spinning, but when we went back to my hotel room, I was not in my right mind.

“You have a lot to think about,” Dad says. “For one, you live in California, and she lives here. I can’t imagine trying to be a dad while living across the country from you guys and your mom.” Growing up, my parents always made sure to provide a stable homelife for us. My parents are people I look up to, strive to be like, and I take their actions and words to heart.

“I know,” I tell him. “I was actually thinking about that on my way over here. I’m going to buy a place here. I was also thinking I could record my next album here, so I’m close.”

Mom smiles softly. “We’ll definitely be happy to see more of you.”

“I’ll put in for studio time,” Nicole says, typing on her phone.

“I know this isn’t ideal,” I tell everyone. “But before I found out she was pregnant, I wanted to get to know her. I don’t know what the future holds, but I would like to explore our options. Who knows? Maybe she is the one for me.”

“Just be careful,” Jordan says, finally speaking up. “If you pursue a relationship with her and it doesn’t work out, you’re still stuck parenting with her.”

“Truth,” Dad adds, taking a bite of his food.

“Invite her over,” Mom says. “We’d love to meet her.” She leans over and pats my arm. “It will all work out. Just know, no matter what happens, we’ve got your back.”



I’m sitting in the exam room, when Easton walks in with the nurse, who is looking at him like he’s the one who invented sliced bread. He’s dressed in a black hoodie with the single word LOST across his chest, holey jeans, and a pair of black Nikes. The moment our eyes meet and he smiles, my belly does a weird flip-flop thing that I ignore. Easton is good-looking, for sure, and the chemistry we share is undeniable, but it’s also what got us into this mess in the first place. Right now, I have too much on my plate to add a relationship into the mix.

This morning he called to let me know that since I’m uncomfortable with anyone knowing about the baby yet, he’ll have it set up with the doctor’s office for him to come in through the back, discreetly, so he isn’t seen. His attorney also sent over a request for a paternity test. Apparently, you can find out if your DNA matches through a blood sample and a cheek swab. Easton let me know that as well during our conversation, so I wouldn’t be blindsided by it. I have no doubt he’s the dad, but I don’t blame him for making sure. He explained it’s not court ordered, so if we ever went to court, another one would have to be done. I was a little overwhelmed by the conversation, but I understand where he’s coming from. We might’ve had sex, but we don’t know each other.