Page 115 of Whiskey and Country


Derek’s Bucket List I wish I had experienced in my life list

+ Nick’s Bucket List

Go to a hockey game with Nick and the guys

Make 1 new…no, 3 new best friends

Kiss a girl, until my heart beats fast

Go camping and sleep under the stars

Watch the sunrise every morning

Dip my toes into the ocean, even if jellyfishes are gross

Go to a Carter Hills concert, because duh, he’s the best

Do something deemed impossible

Build something with my own hands that I’ll keep forever or gift someone

Nick: Go on an adventure (now you must pick one)

Nick: Knowing I can always count on my friends

Nick: Be a knight to a damsel in distress, not that the damsel truly needed me.

Nick: Work on a ranch (why not?)

Nick: Having a meaningful encounter and finding something that makes you truly feel alive

Nick: Do something that’s right even if it doesn’t feel like it at first

Nick: Feeling like my life is moving forward and I am floating

Nick: Being speechless (in a good way)

Nick: Having a soul-connecting experience

Nick: Go on a different kind of date

Nick: Make someone smile my newfound mission

Nick: Share parts of my life with the person who means the most

Nick: Feeling like the cracks in my world are healing

Nick: Being brave even when it scares me

Nick: Share something with someone I cared about that can’t be described with words

Nick: Find the one