He parked the truck in the driveway and framed my face with both hands.
“I know you do. And I love you even more because of it. Because you wanna share all those things with me. As if I’m already part of your family. And I told you, I’m all in. For the long ride. For the entire journey. But there’s more than just you and I involved here. Let’s not rush things. I’ll stay for dinner but go after, okay?”
With my eyes closed, I nodded at his words.
A lone tear dropped from my eye.
“It’s been an emotional day. Let’s order in,” Nick offered.
My shoulders felt heavy. And tense.
With a breath out, I nodded again.
“Go inside, take a bath or anything you do when you wanna relax, and take a nap. Jack and I will take care of everything. We’ll take care of you. You’re always the one thinking about everyone else. Let me be there for you this time.”
I hugged him tight against my heart over the center console of the truck before moving to get out. “Thanks, Nick.”
With more tears sliding down my cheeks, I walked toward the house.
My heart jammed in my chest, its beats irregular, when I heard Jack and Nick’s conversation.
“Mama sad?” Jack asked.
“Mama’s tired, little guy. Let’s have some fun together while she rests, okay?”
I made my way inside, and from the window, I watched them, laughing together, knowing in my core everything would be all right.
They raced toward the front door, Jack screaming his happiness the entire time. Nick ran after him, lifted him over his head, turning him into an airplane.
Their contagious giggles multiplied and reached my heart as I climbed the stairs to my bedroom.
Later, after we put Jack to bed, Nick and I snuggled on the couch. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster and right now, we required each other to calm the storm.
After he made sure Jack was safe and he tucked me in bed, my man left. And I missed him the moment the front door clicked behind him and the engine of his truck filled the silence of the night.