Page 96 of Whiskey and Country

“Let’s do something fun, the three of us today,” I said while we all played with Jack’s toy cars in the den, the warm late morning sun shining on us through the panoramic window. “I need to get home first for a change of clothes, then we can go hiking. See the waterfall. And afterward, we could float down the lazy river in those big inner tubes.”

“Is it safe for kids?” Nick asked.

“You know you’re cute when you worry about us, right? But yes, it’s safe. I walk faster backward in heels than those tubes. He’ll wear a lifejacket, and we’ll sit him on either one of us. You’ll see it’s really fun. Not much adrenaline involved, but it’s romantic.”

“Do you have one of those hiking backpacks to carry children for the hike?” my thoughtful man asked.

“Cart has one. We’ll stop by his place to pick it up.”

“Great. Gimme ten minutes to put a picnic together and then we’ll get going.”

I tugged at Nick’s T-shirt and pulled him to me. “I love ya.” I sighed. “I’m happy it’s finally off my chest. Now I can tell you every morning. And every night. And every minute in between.”

Nick’s lips skimmed over mine.

“I love you. Go relax and let me get to work.”

“But I wanna help,” I pouted.

Nick shook his head. “Not this time. If you stay next to me, I won’t get any work done. Dahlia, you’re way too distracting for my sanity” His hand connected with my ass cheek, and I yelped. Stretching my neck, I kissed him, my lips molding to his. Yeah, I loved him. Way more than I ever thought I could love anybody else.

Nick carried Jack up to the waterfall in the backpack, my son whooping when we saw a fawn and its mommy. My man held my hand the entire time as if he was afraid I would get lost in the woods. To make sure we were connected. The trail was marked and five feet wide. No way would I drift away. But I didn’t complain, loving the way he watched over me. Loving how special and important he made me feel.

As if Jack sensed Nick and I were in it for real, he sat on his lap during our picnic and napped in his arms when we were done.

The sight of them filled my chest to the brim.

“You two look adorable together,” I said, snapping a picture of my men. “How did you happen to walk into my life that day? How could you have mistaken my shop for Hilton and Sons?”

Moving Jack to his right arm, Nick pulled me to his chest, and with his hand on my cheek, he kissed my forehead.

“It was you, Dahlia. You blinded me with your smile and your beauty that day. And I just followed you in. Without thinking straight. Because even back then, I could tell you were special. That you possessed some power over me.”

A seed that had been planted in my head—and my heart—weeks ago made sense now.

I rested my head against his torso as Nick’s palm rested on my back. The rhythm of his heart—added to the sound of Jack’s breathing—calmed the jitters wakening inside me.

My fingers picked lint from the picnic blanket while I gathered enough courage to speak. My heart thundered in my chest at the idea of giving voice to the thoughts running around in my head.

“Nick, I gotta tell you something,” I said. He leaned back, searching my eyes until they aligned with his. Questions filled his gaze. “It’s big. I haven’t told a lot of people. In fact, only Addison and Carter know. And Jeff did too.” I inhaled through my mouth to calm the jitters dancing inside my belly. “See, I can’t start this relationship without being honest with you first. You said you hate half-truths so… Ohmygod, it’s harder than I thought it would be.”

A weight pressed against my chest.

With my eyes closed, I inhaled and exhaled.

Nick’s hand touched my cheek, and he forced my glistening eyes toward his.

“Dahlia, it’s okay. Nothing you say will make me walk away from you. From us. I’m here to stay. For the long run. If that’s what you wish too.”

I nodded, drying my teary eyes with my fingertips.

“It’s big. And kinda scary to admit out loud.”

Nick scooted closer until I could sink my body into his. “It’s me, Dahlia. You can tell me anything. I promise I won’t react if that’s what you’re scared of.”

“You might see me differently. Or think—gosh, please let me explain before jumping to conclusions. It’s complicated.”

Nick raised a hand. “Trust me.”

I nodded and scooted back, desperate for fresh air, before telling my man the secret that had been haunting my nights for years now.

“Here we go. Promise me you won’t get mad.”

“I promise,” he said. I saw the truth flashing in his eyes. The commitment. The love. The trust.

“There’s a chance Carter is Jack’s biological father.” My throat worked, and I swallowed the lump clogging it. I slid my hands, now moist, under my thighs, and hung my head low, avoiding looking at Nick for a few seconds. Until the storm in me dissipated. A little at least.

A strong hand curled around my nape.

“Dahlia, look at me,” Nick said. I tried to fight it but lost the battle, so I did. My eyes, as if he controlled them, lifted in his direction.

“I knew.”

“You did?”

He nodded. “To be honest, I didn’t know but suspected it. The way Carter acts around you two is much more than just love. When you guys say you are family, it’s way more than that. You are a family.” We both said nothing for a long moment. Until Nick broke the heavy silence. “Everything makes so much more sense now. I’m glad to know I wasn’t being paranoid. Carter behaves like he is Jack’s father, not just his uncle. And as if you’re his woman, not just his childhood best friend.”

The words lingered between us, floating in the air as fragile drops that could either make us stronger or break us altogether.

“You said you two never dated—”

I drew in a jagged breath. “We didn’t. It was one night. But somehow, that night changed a lot of things between us.”

I averted my eyes, staring in the distance.

“Are you mad? I’d understand if you were.” I sealed my lids as more tears streamed down my face.

“Jeff knew?”

I bowed my head.

“I told him. Before we got married. But, since the day I learned I was pregnant, I’ve always been sure Jeff was the father. Even now, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s a gut feeling. After the shock subsided, Jeff and I had a long talk. We cried, we hugged, we cried again. And he finally decided to stay with me. And trust life.”

I broke into sobs.

How could this day have turned sour? First Buddy, now this. There were just too many emotions swirling around. With just a spark, I was sure I could set the air on fire.

With my legs folded under me, I buried my face in my hands and let go of all the guilt I’d been keeping in for so long.

“How did Carter react? I don’t know him much, but I’m sure the news didn’t sit well with him.”

I snorted. “We lost him for a moment. Darkness took over his life. He drank his sorrows, pushed us away, acted recklessly. It was bad. I didn’t recognize him. Us, as I said, it was a one-night thing. A mistake. Something I think had to be settled between us. Because we would’ve always wondered if we were meant to be.” I paused. “But then Jeff died. And Carter came back to me.” A long silence stretched between us. “There’s this paternity test. He has it. I gave it to him after Jack’s birth. I would never prevent him from knowing. He deserves the right to. I’m just not sure I want to. Or that I can deal with the truth if it’s different from the scenario in my heart. The three of us had a complicated but beautiful relationship. And Jack is the result of it. It’s precious.” I swallowed. “Carter has never looked at the results. Not that I know of.”

I blinked some of my tears away before I kept going.

“After Jeff passed away, Carter and I decided we’d raise Jack together. We’d be like co-parenting him. I know Carter has been hoping for more, but I can’t give it to him. Even if Jeff is stated as Jack’s official father on his birth certificate, Carter is also his. In all the ways that count.” With a cock of my head, I stared at Nick. “And now there’s you. If we do this, you and I, Jack will consider you his daddy too. You must be willing to play that role. Eventually. He’ll become yours too. In all the ways that matter. It’s the only way this thing,” I said, gesturing to the three of us with my hand, “can work. If we all commit to this child. He might have lost his daddy. He might have never known him. And never will. But Carter, you, and I, together, we can offer him something great. I know it’s a lot to ask. But it’s my reality.”


“Don’t say anything if it means you’ll change your mind afterward. You don’t have to decide today. I’m just putting it out there. That’s what dating me comes with. And as much as I love ya, I’ll never force you to a life you’re not ready for. We’d both be miserable.”

Nick laid Jack on the blanket beside him, extra careful not to wake him up, and on his knees, stalked toward me.

His eyes, the color of amber under the sunrays, full of sparks, bore into mine. Into my soul.

* * *

“Are you staying with us tonight?” I asked Nick as we drove back to my place. “Unless you desire some time on your own. I know the last twenty-four hours have been emotional. And then I dumped that piece of info on you. It wasn’t considerate. I should have waited.”

He brought our connected hands to his lips and kissed the back of mine.

“Don’t ever say you’re sorry about speaking what’s in your heart. I already told you I’m not going anywhere. And no way I’m letting you walk away either. We’ll make it work, okay? You two are stuck with me.”

We exchanged a heartwarming smile before I turned to stare out the window, emotions still brimming in my eyes.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too,” he said, leaning in my direction to pull me against his side. Feeling safe in his embrace, I relaxed my head on his shoulder and breathed him in. His manly scent tipped my senses, and I lost myself in the new familiarity of him. Of us.

“So, are you staying?” I asked again after a beat.

“Wouldn’t it be weird? Me sleeping over? Waking up together, the three of us?”

“We do it all the time at your place—”

Nick breathed out a soft laugh. “I know. But this is your home, your family nest. I won’t feel good barging in.”

“But I want you here. With us.”