Page 92 of Whiskey and Country

I kissed the top of his head one last time.

“You can go now, old pal. You’ve earned your rest. Thanks for being my friend. I’ll forever miss you.” I tried to swallow but couldn’t. The walls of my throat were fused together and raw, making my breathing strenuous.

Tears burned the back of my eyes before falling freely down my face.

My very first friend here in Green Mountain had left me.

Somehow, it felt like he took a piece of me with him. The first piece of my heart that made all this move-across-the-country journey thing worth it. And somehow, in the short amount of time we spent together, Buddy gave me my hope back. Made me believe I could do this. Start afresh. Start over. Be happy.

A little over an hour later, with Buddy’s collar hanging from my fingers, I made it home. Rain was still pouring outside, and I was drenched and cold by the time I made it inside.

Dahlia waited for me in the kitchen, a cup of tea between her hands.

Her lips appeared thinner than usual, and she had sadness etched in her green irises.

She raised her head as I entered, and I gave her a small shake of my head.

Without a word, she padded in my direction and enveloped me in her arms. I pressed my forehead against hers, relishing the closeness of her body against mine.

After a moment, she leaned back.

“You’re all wet. Let’s get those clothes off you. Follow me.” Dahlia led me to the upstairs bathroom. I had gotten rid of the tiled floor, but the shower was still functional.

In the middle of the room, I stood there, frozen. Dahlia turned the water on, and she peeled my shirt off, her fingers feeling hot on my cold skin.

She unbuttoned my jeans next, and they fell down my legs.

After she pushed me under the hot stream, she removed her own clothes and snaked her arms around me from behind, the steamy jet of water falling on us.

“It’s okay to be sad; just don’t be sad alone.”

“How’s Jack?” I asked after a long moment.

“Asleep. He’ll be fine.”

“I’m so sorry. That’s not how I planned the night—”

“Plans don’t always work out, Nick. And it’s okay. It’s life. You gotta learn to let go and surf the tide once in a while.”

I shuffled on my feet, and with my woman in my arms, we stayed like this, bringing each other comfort.

The water ran cold, and we dried ourselves in reassuring silence.

“Do you have to go home?”

Dahlia shook her head.

“Good. I want you here. With me.” I kissed the tip of her nose, my knuckles grazing the skin of her bare arms. “I think we have to mourn Buddy together. The three of us.”

I put on cotton shorts and a clean shirt and watched Dahlia tug on the T-shirt I had loaned her along with fresh panties, heat rising in me imagining her bare thighs around me.

“I can’t believe I didn’t notice earlier how sexy you look dressed in these. You should raid my closet more often. I might actually like my clothes better on you.”

We exchanged a smile, and I led the way downstairs. In the kitchen, I cut a large piece of the birthday cake I’d bought, and side by side, we attacked the chocolate dessert with our forks, sitting at the island.

“Why do you think he chose to die here? With me? With us?”

Dahlia shrugged. “Buddy felt safe with you. We all do. It kinda makes sense.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “You made him feel special.”

I put the fork down, too many knots strangling my stomach to eat another bite. “I’ll miss him. This place will never be the same without that dog around.”

Dahlia moved closer and rested her head on my upper arm.

“You’re a good man, Nick Peterson. You’re strong. Fearless. And wise.” She leaned closer. “And you’re incredibly sexy.” Her husky voice went straight to my dick.

“You think I’m sexy?” I pushed back, studying Dahlia’s expression.

She bobbed her head the same way Jack always did.

“Yeah. And it’s distracting. Let me show you the effect your sexiness has on me.” Her eyes undressed me as they roamed over me. Chewing on her bottom lip, she looked irresistible.

I blinked, still amazed by the connection we shared. By the intensity spiraling between us.

In the most enticing way, and without breaking eye contact, she lifted the T-shirt over her head and threw it on the floor.

My gaze lowered to her plump rose-tipped breasts and her center barely covered by her panties.

My throat worked.

“God, you’re beautiful.”

“Touch me, Nick. I can’t stand not being in your arms any longer. We both need this. To feel better.”

Fuck. This woman. She had a way of burning down every last string of my willpower. Every single time.

I tipped her chin up with my finger.

Dahlia smiled. The kind of smile that could make me do nasty things to her.

Sadness lingered in her gaze, but now desire was taking over. Pure and raw.

My heart was bruised, but my body came to life. Scorching heat coursed through my blood, igniting each one of my cells.

My lips found Dahlia’s, and a gasp left her mouth when our tongues touched. Desire shot through me. Shaking my foundation. Playing with my restraints.

My woman tasted as good as she looked. Exceptional. Sweet. Brave. One of a kind.

We explored each other’s mouths with our tongues, taking our time to memorize every inch. As if it was the first time.

All the pain that had been clinging to me since I ran away from Chicago died.

I wasn’t scared anymore.

Everything in my life clicked into place.

I was where I was supposed to be.

Dahlia Ellis was where I was supposed to be.

All the puzzle pieces now made sense together. They had a purpose. I could finally see the big picture. Nothing that happened was in vain.

I lowered my head and licked the swell of her breasts as my hands pushed them up toward my greedy lips. She shivered underneath my touch. My lips couldn’t get enough of her as they feasted on her body.

With the pad of my thumb, I rubbed one pebbled nipple, and the moan that escaped her mouth got me even thicker in my shorts.

We moved to our feet, and with a step forward, I pushed Dahlia against the wall and raised one of her legs around my waist. My hips ground against hers, and my erection nested between her thighs. I cursed under my breath as she anchored herself to me.

“You’re all I want, Nick. All the time. It’s like you’re born from my fantasies. My wildest dreams. And I can’t get enough of ya,” she whispered.

My tongue trailed the length of her throat. My teeth left red marks along the way.

“You’ll be the end of me, woman.”