Page 89 of Whiskey and Country



“Okay, here’s the thing,” I said when I stopped by Dahlia’s shop before the opening hours. “I’ve learned from a very reliable source that today is Buddy’s birthday. How about if we throw him a party tonight? I’m sure Jack would love that.”

Dahlia moved to my right, removing wrinkles from yet another gown with a portable vapor machine.

“It looks good,” I said, taking a step back and admiring the wooden shelf I’d just fixed on the wall next to the shoe display, making sure it was leveled.

“I love it,” she said, a smile in her voice. “What do you have in mind?”

I gave her a mischievous stare. “Lots of things.”

Dahlia poked my arm. “Buddy’s birthday, Nick. Focus.” My gaze traveled down her body. “My eyes are up here,” she said, pointing to her face with two fingers. “You seem to love planning stuff, so I’m all ears.”

“How about we bake him some dog cookies? I found a recipe online, and it’s super easy. And we could get party hats and balloons and all the silly things kids love. My neighbors are away for the weekend, so Buddy is staying over with me.”

“Would it be just us three?”

My hands found her hips, and I drew her to me. “Only Jack, you, and me. And Buddy, of course. I’m sure Jack would love the party setup.”

Dahlia skimmed her lips over mine. “He will. And thank you for always thinking about him. Making him feel special.”

“You two deserve the best. I’m the lucky one. Would tonight work? If you guys can make it.”

When did I get excited at the idea of throwing an old dog a party?

“Yep,” Dahlia said. “Very important question, though. Will we be able to kiss after the party?” She quirked a brow, offering me a cock-awakening smile, her eyes glistening.

I removed the vapor thingy from her hand and placed it back on the rack, looping my arms around her. “You’re right. I love plans. Always have. And right now, I can tell you I did a lot of strategizing this week. And most of them involved a very naked me and a very naked you and lots of kissing. Last weekend seems like ages ago.”

I leaned in to claim her mouth, her pink lips tasting like cherry. My balls tightened as Dahlia’s hand rubbed my junk over the fabric of my shorts.

“Birthday party for the kids, then naked after-party for us. That’s the plan.”

She purred in my ear, the sound almost bringing me to my knees.

“Keep planning, Nicholas Peterson. I can already tell you’re mastering the art quite perfectly. Do you need me to bring anything?”

I gestured a no. “Everything’s covered. Recipe printed. Shopping list is on my phone. And the girl has agreed to be my date.” Dahlia laughed in my arms, and I got harder for her. “Anything else you want me to take care of before I get going?”

“Oh yes. I almost forgot. There’s a light bulb to change out back, and I got some black and white framed pictures I’d like you to hang on the wall between the dressing rooms.”

“I’m on it. Show me the way.”

“And if you have a little more time to spare, there are some heavy boxes to move around. They’re piled in front of the emergency exit. And if the fire department stops by, I’ll get a fine.”

I flexed my biceps, and we kissed some more before Dahlia led me to the back after calling me a show-off.

“What time do you open today?”

“In about forty minutes. We still have time.”

Once in the backroom, before I could catch up with what was happening, Dahlia jumped into my arms and circled my middle with her legs.

I clutched her ass, and she kissed me until I had to lean back to breathe on my own.

“Love it when you’re not wasting any time. Want to do this here?” I asked, lost in her starving eyes.

She nodded and pushed the straps of her dress down, exposing her bare chest. Her nipples, puckered and pink, pointed at me, begging me to feast on them.

“One week is far too long,” she whispered against my mouth.

I freed my cock with one hand, and I sat Dahlia on a pile of boxes. I lifted her maxi dress until the fabric bunched around her waist, kissed her with purpose until my lips hurt, and rammed into her, my pants low around my ankles. My hands kneading her breasts the entire time as she tilted her head back and cried my name. Over and over. Until we both came in a tangle of pleasure and contentment.

“Wow,” I said between kisses as we both free-fell back on Earth.

I zipped myself up after I lowered Dahlia down on her feet. She staggered, and I held out a hand to support her.

“I’m drunk,” she said with a smirk, a dark blush on her cheeks, and her eyes glossy. “Drunk on you.”

“Don’t say stuff like that because I’ll never get out of here.”

“I’m glad we got it out of the way. Now I’ll be able to focus. It wasn’t fair having you around, looking all sexy with your tool belt, and doing nothing about it.”

I turned my head to kiss her again. This woman.

Hand in hand, we moved the boxes, relishing the silence, our gazes enough to translate whatever our hearts felt.

* * *

Hours later, Dahlia, Jack, and I stood around the kitchen island, Jack perched on a stool, molding dog cookie dough into bone shapes.

The boy’s arm fell to his side, and Buddy got to his feet to lick the sticky dough from his fingers. He giggled, the sound pure and heartwarming, and we joined in. “Buddy likes cake. His tongue wet.”

After we put our creations in the oven, I sat the toddler on my shoulders, and together we hung red balloons and a happy birthday banner over the door of the back deck.

“If this house were mine, I’d move the kitchen to the north side and the living room here, where we can look over the mountains through those giant windows. I’d paint the walls white to light up the space like you did at your place but keep the old hardwood floors and planked ceilings, though. They give this place its charm. And I’d build a barn where the garage stands. It’s old and must be replaced soon, anyway. All white, like the house, with black shutters and teal doors. Maybe get a horse. Or two. Or use it as a wood workshop or a place to have people over,” I said. “I haven’t really thought about that part. It’s just an idea. The way I see it in my head. The land is big. And flat. It has so much potential.”

“Ohmygod, I can see it all too. It would look amazing. Your vision is very similar to mine. Except for the barn, which, to be honest, I didn’t think about, but it would be the perfect addition. One day, when you start your own construction business, you’ll be able to build houses the way you see them in your head. And could even use a barn as an office.”

I gave Dahlia a pointed look. “How are you so sure I’ll own a business one day?”

She shrugged. “Call it instinct, but I just know it.”