Hugo sighed and leaned forwards. “Grandma gets on well with both Lady Catherine of Bath and The Dowager Countess of Anglesey. Put their table close to ours.”

Thank God. “Table two?”

“That one.”

I marked it as table two and denoted it as the correct families.

“Look at that. You remembered what I said.”

I glared at him. “You are really starting to get on my nerves.”

“Good. It’s amusing when you’re annoyed.”

“No wonder you’re still single.”

“Aren’t you also single?”

“By choice,” I replied. “I’m single by choice.”

Hugo shrugged. “So am I. So your point is moot.”

I was getting a headache. “I’m not sure this is going to work with you and I trying to do this.”

“I’m entirely sure it’s not going to work,” Hugo said wanly. “But we might as well try. Did you get the decorating company sorted yet?”


The cake drama made me forget.

“I’m judging by the panicked look on your face that the answer is a no.”

I swallowed. “I was going to do it yesterday afternoon but then the cake thing happened.”

“And you forgot.”

“And I forgot. So sue me,” I said with an edge to my voice. “There’s a lot of information I don’t have and I’m flying by the seat of my pants. Your patronising judgement is not helping me.”

Hugo held up his hands. “I’m here under duress as much as you are, munchkin.”

“Do not call me that!”

“You’re even more adorable when you get angry.”

“You think I’m adorable?”

“You’re small, you’re feisty, you’re attractive. That equals adorable in my book.”

I really didn’t know how to respond to that.

Believe it or not, I wasn’t that used to someone telling me I was attractive to my face.

It’d definitely never happened when the opposite person was a handsome heir to a dukedom.

I cleared my throat in the hope he didn’t notice that I was blushing. “I still don’t like it.”

“All the more reason to keep using it.” His eyes twinkled. “Come on. Let’s get this plan finished.”
