Christ, that would be on my gravestone.

Here Lies Sophie. She Should Have Said No.

That would have saved me from a few nightmare exes, too.

I drove over to Cavendish House and parked in the same spot as I’d been instructed to last time. I didn’t know what kind of level of aristocracy you had to be to have a guy who instructed a visitor where to park.

The only place I’d encountered such a thing was at a zoo in an overflow carpark.

Perhaps not the most accurate comparison.

I got all my things from the passenger seat and got out, locking the car behind me. A huge part of me hoped that Hugo wouldn’t be here—we hadn’t actually set an appointment and given that Henry had actually been nice to me, I was definitely hoping that he would help me instead.

The less time spent with Hugo the better.

I felt as though I needed that tattooed onto the inside of my eyelids so my subconscious would get the message.

No, actually, I didn’t like the dream where he pinned me against his pickup and kissed me.

Look, I was already tit-deep in lies. What was one more to myself?

I rapped the door knocker four times and took a step back. The door opened within seconds, and Rupert smiled down at me.

“Ah, Miss Hopkins. Ready for a day’s work?”

“That’s why I’m here.” I beamed at him, following him inside when he stepped aside for me. “Thank you, Rupert. I need to work on the guest list. Is Lord Hugo around?”

“His Lordship is helping one of the estate’s farmers with a struggling ewe. She’s lambing with twins as we speak,” he said apologetically. “To the best of my knowledge, Lord Henry is available, if he might be of any help to you. I can request he join you, if so.”

Oh, thank God.

“I’m sure he would be able to help me get started. That would be great, thank you.”

“Would you like to use the drawing room or the library?”

Oh, Lord above, that library.

I’d taken His name in vain so many times there was no way I’d be able to step foot in a bloody church again.


Never mind…

“The library, please.”

“Follow me, Miss Hopkins.” Rupert closed the door behind me and guided me through the house to the library.

I would never not be in awe of this room. It was utterly beautiful, and I envied everyone in this household who could spend their time in here.

“Would you like some tea?” Rupert asked.

“Oh, no, thank you,” I replied, setting my things on the table where I’d sat yesterday with Evelyn. “I’m fine.”

“Very well. I’ll be right back with Lord Henry.”

I sat down and began arranging everything. Along with the guest list, Nancy had sent me a few copies of the seating plan that I could work on, and I laid the first of them out on the table with the guest list.
