“I’m starting to understand the restraining order.”

“Mhmm.” I nodded. “She said she’d booked a table at a local restaurant and asked if I’d join her. I went to tell her to leave my family alone.”

“Which is when the threat happened, I assume.”

“She begged for two minutes, and I gave it to her.” I took a deep breath in, then sipped the wine before continuing. “She gave me what is probably the most impressive apology I’ve ever heard in my life. It was very long, very detailed, and very… well, apologetic.”

“Apologies do tend to be that way.”

I frowned at him, and his lips tugged up into the tiny smile I’d missed so much. “Then she gave me a cheque. That’s why I’m here. She paid me to come.”

He ran his tongue over his lips and looked into his wine. “Was it a lot?”

“A considerable amount. But with the price of petrol these days, she had to give me some cash, too.”

He peered over at me, fighting a smile. “Did it cover it?”


His laugh was soft. “What happened?”

“She gave me a cheque for the job. Cam apparently insisted it be made out to me, and I had to take it, because apparently, she has my bank details and was going to pay me either way. Your mother is really very annoying.”

“Yes. She is.”

“It’s where you get it from, I presume.”

“Most likely. Bit of Grandma sprinkled in there, too.” His eyes twinkled.

I smiled. “She also gave me a key to this house.”

“She did what?”

I pulled it out of my jeans pocket and put it on the counter between us. “She told me you were here, gave me this key and the address, and told me that if we decided to try to make it work between us, she would welcome me with open arms into the family.”

Hugo stared at the key. “And I assume you’re here to give it back.”

“Well, I didn’t see a need for us to have two. I thought I might just use yours in the future.”

He looked up at me. “Sophie—”

“You were right,” I said, emotion flooding through me. “When you said this was something worth fighting for. I know that running away was wrong, but I wasn’t sure we could make this work until now. I don’t know what I’m doing.” I stared at him. “But I have nothing keeping me here. If you aren’t angry with me and you still feel the same way, then I…”

Hugo pushed off the counter and walked around it. He pulled me up from the stool and cupped my face, tilting my chin back so I had to meet his eyes. “I love you, Sophie,” he said softly, a small smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. “I love you even more than I thought was possible. I know what we have is worth fighting for. You are, Soph. You’re worth it all to me.”

I pressed my lips to his, and the tears burnt my eyes. One crept out and he brushed his thumb over my cheek, bringing me even closer to him.

“I love you,” I whispered in a thick voice. “I’m sorry it took me so long.”

“I would have waited forever for you,” Hugo replied on a whisper. “Believe me when I say that.”

I nodded.

I had to.

How could I not?

“Can you explain the chickens part of the story now?”