People always said there was a key to your heart.

I literally held one right now, but it was one key to two people’s hearts. If I went there, we could fix it.

He thought this was worth fighting for. That I was worth it. He’d said his world didn’t matter because I was his world.

He’d consumed mine from day one.

I’d fallen for him so hard and fast I was still dizzy from it.

Could I…

I closed my eyes. This was more than just love. If I did this, I’d be agreeing to potentially take a role in a society I didn’t know or understand.

I didn’t know much, but I knew that he was the only person I’d ever consider doing that for.

I opened my eyes and stared at the key.

It was five-thirty.

If I left now, I would be there by eight.

Fuck it.

It was time to take a risk.


Decisions, Decisions

I did not think this through.

This was fancy London.

Richy-rich London.

Not that I was able to park, mind you. Nobody ever was. At least not at their exact destination, and it’d taken me a while to find a spot that didn’t require a resident’s permit.

Fifteen minutes away.


Richy-rich London.

Now, I was standing down the street from the house. Where he was. I knew he was there because I could see his car outside.

I just didn’t know what to do.

Anna might have given me the key, but I couldn’t just pop it in the door and let myself in, could I? I was going to have to knock and that meant waiting and I—

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could do this. I could walk up there and knock. I could—

I couldn’t.

I made it as far as the inside of the front gate before I stopped.

What if he was angry with me for ignoring him? What if he didn’t want to see me? Then what was I supposed to do?

I pulled out my phone and opened my text chain with him. The last chat we’d had was him taking the piss out of me cutting my finger—it was now the tiniest little scab, and I was ninety percent sure it was going to scar, but whatever.