I was very impressed by his ability to switch between my two personas.

Evelyn narrowed her eyes. “What about? Are you cavorting after dark?”

That was one way to ask two people if they were sleeping together.

Hugo stared at her with an expression that wasn’t all that dissimilar to the one she wore. “It’s about your birthday present.”

“Ooh.” She brightened. “I didn’t sense a denial.”

“We are not… cavorting,” Hugo said with a frown. “What kind of question was that?”

“One from a nosy old woman with nothing better to do than gossip.” With that, Evelyn turned and hobbled up towards the house where the doors were opened by Rupert, who greeted her warmly.

“I think I want to be her when I grow up,” I said slowly. “I would very much like to be a nosy old woman with nothing better to do than gossip one day.”

Hugo locked the car and slowly shook his head. “You might be the perfect wife for the upper class. That’s all the old women are. Gossips.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please. I am not cut out for all this.” I waved towards the giant house. “Not to mention your mother hates me and would have a fit.”

“Who said I was talking about my wife?” He grinned, and I smacked his arm. “Kidding. I could do worse.”

“Thank you?” I replied uncertainly. “No, I’ve seen that guest list. It’s full of single aristocrats and socialites. I know exactly the kind of woman your mother is intending you to marry.”

“I am more than acquainted with her idea of who her successor should be.” A darkness crossed his features. “I have, however, avoided such a thing thus far, and I intend to continue doing so.”

“Good luck with that,” I muttered. “What did you need my help with?”


“The present for your grandma.”

“Oh, right. I do actually need help with that, so this is just a bonus.” His lips tugged to one side. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Probably eating my body weight in things I shouldn’t be,” I replied honestly. “Why?”

He raised his eyebrows.




We had some unfinished business.

Cavorting, if you will.

“So I should probably change my plans,” I said slowly, swallowing. “What if someone sees you there? I’d really prefer to keep this to ourselves.”

“That’s why I said I need help with Grandma’s present.”

He looked very proud of himself for that.

“As far as anyone is concerned, you’re helping me look online for something tonight because that’s all you have free.” He stepped forwards. “Still, I’ll park down the lane and walk up.”

“What time?”

“Depends when my sister leaves.”