“Slices were unacceptably small, though.” She sniffed and looked around. “You don’t have to sit here with me, dear.”

I patted her hand. “I’m quite all right with you, Grandma. I’m not really in a partying mood.”

“Neither am I. I wanted her to be here, too, you know?” She wrapped her fingers around mine. “She did all of this. She should be here.”

I swallowed, looking out at the party. Dinner was long over, and all the tables and chairs had been swiftly cleared away, freeing the space up for dancing.

Everyone was having a great time.

Then there was me.

“I did also appreciate your co-ordinating birthday presents,” Grandma continued. “Although I do appear to be missing a wine glass so I can have a paint and wine party in my bedroom.”

“You let me know when you want one, and I’ll bring you one.”

“Now we’re talking.” She squeezed my fingers. “Why don’t you call her, Hugo?”

“She won’t answer. I’ll drive up in the morning and go and see her again, and hopefully she’ll talk to me.”

Grandma nudged me with her shoulder. “You know you didn’t have to come back for this. I wouldn’t have been angry.”

“Of course I did. Like Sophie said, she didn’t ruin her life to make this happen for me not to be here.”

Her shoulders shook as she laughed. “Ruin her life, indeed. Falling in love with a future duke didn’t ruin my life.”

“It’s a bit different, Grandma.”

“Let me guess. You told her you’d give it all up, she refused to let you, and you left with your tail between your legs.”

I side-eyed her. “How did you know that?”

“I read romance novels. Classic move.” She shook her head. “Never works.”


“I think Sophie would hate all this,” Grandma continued, looking around.

“Ah. Now it makes sense, doesn’t it?” I peered at her, smiling. “You just want someone to moan with.”

She nodded. “That’s about it, yes.” She continued gazing around the room. “There’s an awful lot of pomp and how-do-you-do here. And these shoes are hurting my feet. Not to mention this dress is too long and I’m afraid I’ll pee on it.”

I dropped my chin to my chest and closed my eyes. I really had no response for that, but I was sure Sophie would have if she were here.

Grandma snorted. “Sophie would have had a smartarse comment for that.”

“Jesus, Grandma.” Helena took the chair on the other side of her. “Why don’t you call her if you’re missing her that badly? I’m not sure you’ve ever waxed so poetic about any of your actual grandchildren.”

“That’s because you’re all heathens who can’t make a decent cup of tea to save your life.” She sniffed. “Henry made me a cup this morning. I thought he was trying to kill me.”

My sister looked over at me. “You have her phone number. I’m sure out of everyone, you’re the one she’d answer the phone to. She made sure Camilla gave you your present, didn’t she?”

“Wine and paintbrushes.” Grandma sighed and looked down sadly. “I’d swap them both for her.”

“This is really sad,” Helena said. “Mostly because Hugo is the one who’s in love with her and he’s not complaining nearly half as much as you are.”

Grandma glared at her.

I fought back a small laugh. “What’s there to complain about? She knows how I feel. I also know she’s not going to walk through that door in a burst of drama. She’s made it abundantly clear that she never wants to come back here.”