Page 65 of In Too Deep

“Does he have a record?”

“Yes and no. There was juvie stuff that was sealed. But just because there’s no record doesn’t mean he was clean. Alan might’ve been cleaning up his messes.” He took another drink. “It’s another path to follow. All these years, I’ve been focusing on Alan. Danny was never on my radar. I didn’t ask people about Danny. He wasn’t working for his father back then. To me, he was just the boss’s son.”

“He’s been running things for years. I don’t know when he got to the top and took the reins from Alan, but that’ll be easy enough to find out.”

“You think he has the reins?”

“For most of the day-to-day operations, yeah. Alan still has his hand in things, but Danny is in charge.” Ronan crossed his arms. “Probably the only reason I have a job. Alan doesn’t seem to like anyone with the Doyle name.”

Brendan shoved up from his chair. “Looks like we turn our focus on Danny. You talk to the guys and see what you can find out about when he started working for Daddy Cahill. I’ll call some neighborhood cops I know and see if any of them can give us insight on Danny.”

“Sounds good.” Ronan rose, finished his beer, and tossed the bottle in the trash.

“One more thing,” Brendan said. “I think we need someplace else to meet besides your house.”


“First, this place is a mess. There’s nowhere to work. But more important, Cahill has made it obvious that he has no problem dropping in on you unexpectedly. If he gets any nosier, it could spell trouble.”

“Your place?”

“We can try that.”

“I’ll need your address then. I’ve never been to your place.”

Brendan nodded as if acknowledging how far apart they’d been. “I’ll text it to you. I’m heading out.” He slapped Ronan’s shoulder. “Talk to you as soon as I have something to share.”

“Me, too. See ya.”

Brendan let himself out and Ronan took in his kitchen. His brother was right. There wasn’t anywhere to work here, but even if there was, it was risky given Cahill’s random appearances. They were definitely onto something. Ronan just hoped they would finally find the answers they needed.

It had beena few days since Chloe had spoken to Ronan. They texted occasionally, but she could respect that as a casual thing. She had no rights to his time. She’d closed every night this week, so she was happy that they weren’t terribly busy tonight, which allowed her mind to daydream about Ronan. Every time she remembered him dragging her from the party, her blood raced. While they agreed to keep things casual, he’d admitted that he wanted to spend time with her. She didn’t know what to do with that. The man was infuriating. They had chemistry in abundance. That was the only obvious thing.

He rarely spoke, but then he came to her apartment to make her feel better with food and a shower. He didn’t invite her to the barbecue—that had been her idea—but then he admitted it was because he worried about her losing her job.

And to top it all off, he got jealous that she hugged his brother? What the hell?

For a guy who supposedly wasn’t looking for a relationship, he was borderline possessive. Lucky for him, it wasn’t over the top or creepy.

She was inexplicably drawn to him. More than the sexual energy, she wanted to spend time with him, too. She wanted to help him find the answers he sought.

Would finding those answers change who he was? Would he then be looking for a relationship? Chloe didn’t know how she felt about that. She couldn’t imagine finding everlasting love. At least she never allowed herself to consider it with someone like Ronan. He was there for a good time.

Could they ever build something more? Would she want that? She’d always pictured Ronan as a love-’em-and-leave type. That was who she looked for. They were safe in a way nice men weren’t. Bad boys didn’t play pretend. Nice guys that her mom pushed on her had expectations she might never meet.

Ronan had no such expectations.

Maybe that was why she liked him so much. They just enjoyed each other.

As she sat in the office creating the schedule for the next two weeks, she decided to not work until closing as often as usual. Ronan always had to wake early for work, so her schedule wasn’t conducive for seeing him other than when she had a day off. She would still be needed on the weekends, but she could let Johnny take on a little more responsibility.

Like tonight. Even though it was Friday, she was for sure leaving early. It had been a long week of closings. Even if Ronan didn’t want to meet up, she could do some cross-stitching to add to her shop. Sitting at the booth beside the one considered to be the Cahills’, she texted Ronan. I’m getting off early tonight. Want to meet for dinner?

While she waited for his response, she fiddled with the schedule.

Can’t. Meeting with Brendan.

I could join you. I’ll bring dinner and stay after he leaves.

Bubbles popped up and disappeared. Chloe rolled her eyes. Then she added, But it’s fine if you rather I didn’t.

We’re not meeting at my house. We’ll be at Brendan’s.

Oh. Well, that kind of defeated her purpose for wanting to come over.

Bubbles lit her screen again. Brendan says bring some wings from the Rose.

You sure? I don’t want to crash.

It’s fine.