Page 63 of In Too Deep


Ronan moved through his party, offering drinks, and passing plates of food. Chloe chatted with everyone. She was a natural host, making it all seem effortless. He and Brendan had decided to divide the crew to search for information. Brendan would take Old Man Mulroney and Ronan would take Joe and Nick.

Just as he pulled up a chair to join Joe and Nick with a fresh beer, Chloe wandered over to say goodbye. She ran a hand across his shoulders as she leaned down to kiss his cheek. “I have to head to work.”

“Thanks for coming.”

“Have fun.”

As she walked away, Nick said, “You got yourself a good woman there, Ronan.”

Too good for the likes of him. “Yeah, she is.”

“So how do you like being the boss?” Nick asked.

“A lot more fucking paperwork than swinging a hammer.”

Nick pointed toward the house. “Your hands get too many papercuts to do the real work at home? The place is rough.”

“I’m working on it. It’ll get there.” He was surprised he hadn’t taken more ribbing about the state of his house.

Joe was uncharacteristically quiet.

“Something wrong, Joe? Can I get you something else to eat?”

“I’m good.” He peeled at the label on his bottle. “When you invited us, I thought it was just the crew, you know?”

“That was my plan. I want you guys to know that even though I’m the boss, I’m still one of you.”

Joe leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “But you collect those envelopes now, don’tcha?”

Was that jealousy from the old man? Did he want to be a crew lead?

“I still just do what the boss tells me. We all know how that works. Do the little side jobs so we can get the contracts for the big jobs. Greasing palms is how business is done.”

“Like father, like son.”

“Hey, now,” Nick said.

Ronan held up a hand. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Joe leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Them envelopes is what got your dad in trouble. You’re heading down the same path.”

“What do you mean? I know my dad did the off-book jobs. Brendan over there and I held our first hammers on those jobs.”

“I’m not talking about those envelopes.”

Ronan stood and shifted his chair closer to Joe. “What are you talking about?”

Nick intervened again. “You shouldn’t go there.”

“He should know who he’s in bed with.”

“I’m not in bed with anyone.”

Joe’s attention swiveled back to him. “I saw Cahill hand you an envelope tonight. As soon as you accept that, you’re in bed.”

Joe didn’t like that Cahill showed up to their party. But why? “I didn’t invite Cahill. I don’t even know how he knew about the cookout. He gave me money to pay for this. He said he thought it was a good idea.”

“I’m sure he did.” Joe settled back in his chair.

“Why didn’t you ever move up to management?” Ronan asked. “You’re one of the most experienced guys around. Why keep busting your hump?”

“The envelopes. I work my forty and that’s it. I refused to let the senior Cahill dictate any part of my life. So I’ll only be crew.”

“Tell me about the other envelopes. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve gotten cash to run the off-book jobs. That’s it.”

Joe was quiet again and took a long pull on his beer. Nick pointed at Joe with his near-empty bottle. “This ain’t gonna end well.” Looking at Ronan he said, “He thinks he knows shit, but he’s not sure. And speculation could cost you. That’s all I’m sayin’. I’m going for a fresh beer.”