Page 61 of In Too Deep

Chloe staredat the text from Ronan. When he’d told her he was hosting the barbecue, she’d been a little hurt that he didn’t invite her, but then she reminded herself it was a work thing. But part of her old insecurities rose and hinted that maybe he didn’t want to be seen in public with her.

She was closing at the bar tonight, but she had a few hours until she had to go in. Take a nap or hang out with Ronan? She shot off a text. Need me to bring anything?


Of course, she should know better than to think Ronan would offer some flirtatious banter via text. She considered herself lucky when she got full sentences out of him. She grabbed her purse and keys and headed out. She stopped at the bakery for a box of cookies. Even though Ronan had said he didn’t need anything, she was raised to always bring something to a party.

It took four times of circling Ronan’s block to find a place to park. She didn’t think he’d invited all that many people. Maybe this was just the kind of neighborhood where people were home on a Sunday afternoon. With her cookies in hand, she walked down the block to Ronan’s house.

Such an odd thought. The one guy from their neighborhood that most people would’ve placed bets on to be a total loser, and he was a homeowner. His neighborhood was mostly quiet, but she could hear people in their yards enjoying the warm late summer weekend. It was very homey.

When she got to the front of his house, she heard talking and laughter coming from the backyard. Given his lack of furniture, the yard seemed like a safe bet. She flipped the latch on the gate and entered the yard. People, mostly guys from his crew, were sitting on lawn chairs scattered around. Ronan stood at the grill, his back to her, so he didn’t see her. Brendan, however, did.

“You made it,” he said as he neared. “I told him to invite you.”

“Really.” So Ronan had no intention of having her participate in his party.

“It’s not like that. He was worried about Cahill causing trouble for you. As it turned out, Ronan was right. Danny Cahill already stopped by. I doubt he’ll come back. That’s why I suggested the invitation.”

“Hmm-mm.” She wasn’t buying it. Maybe she should just leave.

“Come on,” Brendan said. “Let’s get you a drink.” He put an arm around her shoulder and led her deeper into the yard.

“You don’t have to do this, Brendan.”

“Do what?”

“Force this. If Ronan had wanted me here, he would’ve asked on his own.”

“He did. He was texting you before I said anything. I saw your text and asked why you weren’t here. Trust me. He wants you here.”

She sighed. “Is there a table or someplace I can put these cookies?”

“Hey, Ronan. Look who’s here.”

When Ronan turned, his expression went from curious to heated when his eyes landed on her. Then his face broke into one of those rare smiles she loved.

“I’ll take those,” Brendan said as he reached for the box of cookies. Then he nudged Chloe closer to Ronan.

“Hey,” Ronan said, his deep voice a rumble across her nerves.

“Good turnout. Any luck on the information front?”

He took a pull from his beer and shook his head. “Not yet. Waiting until they drink more. Can I get you a beer?”

“I have to go to work tonight, but I’ll take a drink of yours.” She took the bottle from his hand, her fingers caressing his as she moved. Then she wrapped her lips around the bottle and took a drink.

“You trying to torment me?”

“How so?”

“You just told me you’re working tonight, so I know you can’t stay. Then you do that.” He pointed at her mouth.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just a little thirsty,” she said with a flirty smile.

He cleared his throat and turned back to the grill. She watched in silence for a few moments while he flipped burgers and rotated hot dogs. “Brendan said Cahill showed up here.”

He grunted.

“He also said that was why you didn’t invite me earlier.”

He looked down at her over his shoulder. “If Cahill saw you here, he’d get suspicious. He might stop talking in front of you. And if he thought you were feeding me information, he might try to get you fired.”

Chloe took a moment to digest those words. She couldn’t decipher if he was worried about her or just worried about losing his informant.

He took the food off the grill and faced her. “I don’t want you caught up in the middle of this. I don’t know how ugly it’ll get.”

“I’m a big girl. Danny Cahill doesn’t scare me.”

“Maybe he should.” He took a breath and closed his eyes as if he needed to search for patience. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I know we’re keeping it casual, but that doesn’t mean I’d be okay with something happening to you.”

“Hey, man. We’re hungry,” a voice called from behind Chloe.

Chloe turned and saw Ronan’s sister Nessa reaching for the platter of food, but she suddenly stopped.

“Hey, Chloe,” she said with all the innuendo of a little sister. “Nice to see you here.”