Page 60 of In Too Deep

“It just feels like you’re finally back with us, you know?”

Ronan did know. He’d been doing his own thing for so long that the constant companionship of family was almost foreign to him. It seemed to shift so suddenly though. “Even when I was gone, I wasn’t that far.”

“You made it clear you wanted distance.” He took a lawn chair from Ronan’s hand and stared him in the eye. “We all missed you.”

“It was better that I wasn’t around.”

“Better for who?”

“Everyone.” But he knew Declan was hinting that the distance was selfish. It hadn’t been like he dropped off the planet. He checked in with his siblings and his mother, and he visited. He just avoided big gatherings like family parties because it had been too hard to handle. “At least let me ease back into the family thing.”

“We’re Doyles, man. We don’t make anything easy.”

Wasn’t that the truth?

Hours later, Ronan had the grill started and beer chilled. Declan had been surprisingly helpful in setting up. Nessa, of course, showed up, but she helped, too. For a change, Ronan wasn’t feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of having his house and yard run over by people.

The younger guys showed up first, probably so they could get their fill of free beer. Ronan and Brendan discussed approaching the older guys while Nessa and Declan introduced themselves to Ronan’s crew.

Before long, he had a full backyard. Nessa had brought a speaker and hooked her phone up to it for music. He stood over the grill, cooking up meat. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of his yard and sent it to Chloe.

Your idea is a hit. Thanks.

Looking up from the screen while waiting for her response, he was surprised to see Danny Cahill standing on his back porch. He shoved his phone in his pocket and tapped Declan on the shoulder. “Watch the grill.”

Then he made his way to the house, his heart thumping. What the fuck was Cahill doing here again?

“Hey, Mr. Cahill.”

“Ronan,” he said with a nod. “I hope you don’t mind my intrusion. I heard you were throwing a barbecue for your crew and I like the idea. I think more crew leaders should be doing things like this. Good way to keep morale up.”

“Would you like a beer or something? Food should be ready soon.” He sure as fuck didn’t want the man to stay, but he couldn’t tell him to go.

“No. I’m not staying. I just wanted to contribute. Say thank you for doing a good job.” He handed Ronan an envelope.

Ronan knew the envelope held cash. It was the same type of envelope he dropped off last weekend. “I don’t need you to pay for anything.”

“Take it. Feeding everyone costs money. It’s worth it for me to contribute because a happy crew works harder. I benefit from that. Thank you.” He extended a hand.

Ronan tucked the envelope in his back pocket. “Sure you won’t stay for a beer?”

“No. Your crew wants to relax and they won’t do that with the big boss around. Just make sure no one overdoes it tonight. Works still goes on tomorrow.”

“We’ll be good. Thanks.”

Cahill nodded and waved and made his way back through the house. Ronan walked him out and stood by the front door as he climbed in his car and drove off.

Brendan came up behind Ronan. “What the hell was he doing here?”

“If I had to guess, he’s nervous about me being social with my guys.”

“Good sign.”

“Is it?” Ronan asked. It was another shift, but at the moment, it didn’t feel all that good. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the text.

Glad my idea worked. Have fun. Hope you can find some answers.

Brendan read over his shoulder. “Why the hell isn’t she here?”

Ronan moved the phone away from his brother’s prying eyes. “I didn’t invite her. And with Cahill showing up, I’m glad I didn’t. He’d probably assume she was spying and get her fired.”

Brendan slapped his shoulder. “Cahill’s gone now. You should tell her to come by.”

“She’s probably working.”

“Won’t know unless you ask.”

“What’s your interest in what we’re doing?”

His brother lifted a shoulder. “You’re obviously into her. It’s good to see you invested in something other than Cahill.”

Ronan took a deep breath and turned his phone over in his hand. Then he gave in to the urge that might not have been the best idea.

If you’re free, you should stop by. Food’s on the grill and the beer is cold.