Page 55 of In Too Deep

“Uh, yeah. I’ll be right there.” He disconnected, looked at Brendan, and said, “Cahill’s at the door.”

“I’m moving. Give me a minute.” He scooped up all of the papers they’d been looking over and his beer and went up the back steps that no one ever used.

Ronan went to the front door and opened it. “Mr. Cahill. What are you doing here?”

“I had something come up that needs to be taken care of this weekend, so I’m hoping you can handle it. Can I come in?”

“Of course.” He opened the door wide and stepped aside to let Cahill in. Bosses didn’t show up to their employees’ homes unexpectedly like this. Ronan was even more suspicious of the man. “Sorry. I don’t usually have company and I’ve been renovating. I have a couple chairs in the kitchen.” He led the way into the kitchen and pointed to the chairs. “Can I get you something to drink? Or a slice of pizza?” he asked, gesturing to the box.

“No, thank you. I won’t keep you long. Alderman Ekhart has a situation in his backyard. A fence needs to be moved to be correctly placed on the property line. He’s been fighting with his neighbor about it for months, and he needs to address it this weekend. Can you handle it?”

“I don’t see why not.”

He pulled a thick envelope from his interior coat pocket. Setting it on the table, he added, “There’s the money for the job as well as a copy of the plat of survey.” He looked around the kitchen. “What are you planning in here?”

“My brother Declan wants to take a stab at building cabinets for me. He’s in the process of designing something.”

“Really? Is he any good?”

“Like I said, he’s taking a stab. We’ll see if he’s any good.”

“Well, you know we always have an open door for good employees. Let me know if he’s looking for something.”

“I will. Was there anything else?”

“No. This job just popped up and I wanted to give you as much time as possible to get a crew set, rather than dropping it on you on a Friday.”

“Will do. Thanks for the opportunity.” He walked Cahill to the front door and locked up. When he got back to the kitchen, Brendan was once again at the table.

“First of all, what the fuck with that staircase?”

“I think you’re the first person to use it since I bought the place.”

“Clean that shit up. Second, is that his normal MO? Show up at your house to give you a side gig?”

“Not at all. The side jobs usually come through the project manager Thomas Walsh and then I meet Cahill at the Rose for cash.”

“So we’re making him nervous.”

“Someone’s nervous. How do you think they’ll react when I throw my barbecue next weekend?”

“Don’t know, but it should be interesting.” Brendan took pictures of Ronan’s notes and then shoved his phone back in his bag. “I’m going to try to reach out to these former employees to see what I can find.”

“I’ll let you know if I can get the old guys to my house next Sunday.”

“You might want to give Chloe a heads up so she can keep her ears open.”

“Her ears are always open.” He was still concerned for her job. If Cahill thought she was feeding them information, he’d get her fired.

She would probably hate Ronan then. That bothered him more than he wanted to admit.