Page 106 of In Too Deep

“Me neither,” he said. “You had your chance years ago.”

“Nah. Not really. We didn’t belong together. I just saw it before she did. Chloe would’ve broken my heart.”

Chloe joined them then. With a hand over her heart, she said, “I would never have broken your heart, Brendan Doyle. I’m a sweet girl.”

Brendan chuckled. “Sure you are.”

“How’s your night going?” Ronan asked.

“Insane. I knew Alan had a long history here, but I wasn’t prepared for this. We’ve been packed since we opened.” Her face softened as she touched his arm. “How are you guys doing?”

“Intel gathering,” Brendan said. “This isn’t over.”

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” She glanced over her shoulder. “As much as I’d like to stay and chat, I need to get back to it.”

Ronan kissed her on the cheek and let her go. He continued to track her movements through the room. Now that he knew where she was, it was like she had a homing device on her. He couldn’t not look at her. “So how are we going to get information from Danny?” he asked without turning to Brendan.

“I don’t know if we can. Maybe in a weak moment, while he’s grieving, he might be willing to talk about Daddy’s dealings, but something tells me Alan trained him better than that. We might have to keep looking for other people. Maybe those who knew Danny’s dark side. They might know more.”

“You have a line on someone?”

“Not yet. But I will.”

They stood there, watching the crowd, not talking. Brendan occasionally took another photo. The crowd continued to grow instead of dwindling as time wore on. Ronan couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to go home and have some quiet. He’d lost sight of Chloe as new groups had filled the space, but he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. He wanted her to come to his house when she was done.

“I’m going to find Chloe and then head out.”

“Don’t forget Nessa’s party on Saturday.”

“I won’t. Chloe is coming with me. Plus, I would never hear the end of it if I didn’t bring the food you signed me up for.”

Brendan pointed across the room. “There’s your girl now.”

Ronan turned and saw Chloe stiffen. He knew that look. She was about to lay into someone. He made a path for himself through the throngs of people.

“I’m sorry, but you’ve had enough. This is a private event,” she said.

“No, it’s not,” the guy slurred. “It’s for Alan Cahill. Open to the neighborhood. I’m payin’ my respects.”

“Then maybe you should be more respectful and not be drunk and obnoxious. I’ll have a server bring you some water. Maybe try something to eat.”

“Is that an invite? I’d like to have a taste of you.” He slid an arm around Chloe’s waist, and as she pressed a hand against the guy’s chest, Ronan grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back.

“I think the lady asked you to back off.”

“Get the fuck outta here. She’s flirting with me.”

“You need to go. Now.” Chloe waived one of the bouncers over.

The guy twisted away from Ronan and took a swing. Ronan blocked it easily enough, but a crowd huddled around them.

“Oh my God. Please stop.” Chloe stood in front of Ronan.

“I’m not doing anything. He swung on me.”

The gathered crowd began chattering loudly, drawing more attention. Rather than backing down, the drunk took another swing. Ronan shifted Chloe out of the way and the man’s fist made contact with Ronan’s jaw. His head snapped back and without thinking he punched the guy, knocking him off his feet. Brendan was tugging Ronan back from going after the guy again.

Then Danny Cahill pushed through the crowd. “You,” he said, pointing to Brendan. “I should’ve known you’d be in the middle of trying to ruin my father’s wake. It’s your fault he had a heart attack. Asking questions and casting doubt. You’re not welcome here.” His gaze shot to Ronan. “Get him gone, or you won’t have a job.”

As if working for Danny Cahill mattered to him. His fists flexed.

Chloe put a gentle hand on his wrist. “It’s time to go.”

The bouncer was already peeling the drunk off the floor and dragging him out.

“I warned you, Chloe,” Danny said as he disappeared back through the crowd.

“I’m sorry,” Ronan said, looking into Chloe’s eyes. “I didn’t come over here to start a fight.”

“But you also didn’t trust me to handle my job on my own. I don’t need someone to swoop in to rescue me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know. I can’t deal with this right now. Please go.”

“Will you come over tonight?”

“I don’t know. I might be here late.”

She was pissed and she probably needed time to cool off. He took the extra key he had made out of his pocket. “If you decide to, let yourself in.”

“How will you get in?”

“It’s an extra.” He hadn’t planned on letting her know he had it made for her, so she could come and go as she pleased. A crowded bar was not the place to move their relationship to another level. He glanced over his shoulder at Brendan. “Let’s go.”

He kissed Chloe’s cheek. “Sorry about the trouble.”