Page 112 of In Too Deep

The party lasted longerthan they planned, which was par for the course for a Doyle family party. Nessa hadn’t been surprised, not that any of them fully expected her to be. She danced across the lawn, flirting with every guy she encountered, regardless of whether he’d come with a date.

Chloe handed Ronan a fresh beer as he stared at his dancing sister. “How much has she had to drink?”

Ronan took a swig and shook his head. “The thing is, I don’t think she’s drunk. Just happy.”

The song on the radio switched and Nessa yelled. Then she cranked the volume before grabbing Declan’s hand. “Come on, big brother. Dance with me.”

Declan, like the rest of the boys, didn’t dance. But he stood and held their sister’s hand as she shimmied and twirled.

From the porch, Ann yelled, “Nessa Doyle, it’s gettin’ late. Turn that down before someone calls the police.”

In unison, the Doyle boys all called, “Is it even a Doyle party if the police don’t show at least once?”

They laughed and joked. Nessa did turn the music down at the end of the song. As people began to say their goodbyes, Ronan reminded each of his siblings to stay after so they could talk about their father.

Chloe helped Ann pack up the food, and he and Brendan began stacking chairs. By the time Nessa hugged her last friend goodbye, most of the yard was put to rights. Nessa went to each of her brothers and kissed them on the cheek. “You guys might be the biggest pains in the ass, but you sure know how to throw a great party. Thanks.”

“Since you came solo, is it safe to assume the douchebag Tony is out of the picture for good?” Ronan asked.

Declan answered for their sister. “He’s been gone for a while.”

“He still deserves an ass-kicking.”

Declan narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

Nessa held up her hands. “Doesn’t matter. He’s gone. I’ve moved on. Let’s not ruin a good night. What do you and Brendan want to talk about?”

“Let’s take it inside,” Brendan said.

Chloe held Ronan’s hand. “I’m going to head home.”

“You can stay.”

“It’s a family meeting. You should be with your family.”

He kissed her full on the mouth. “At least go back to my place. I shouldn’t be too much longer.”


“And I want you to think about moving in.”

Her eyes widened.

“Not immediately. I want to get some more work done on the house first, to make it a little more livable.”

“It’s kind of fast, isn’t it?”

“I don’t see the point in wasting time. I love you, Chloe McCarthy.”

“And I love you, Ronan Doyle.”

They kissed again, this time amidst hollers and yells from his siblings to get a room. Nessa was right. They were giant pains in the ass, but they were his.

Once they wereall in the house, settled in with drinks around the dining room table, Brendan began.

“As you all know, just over twenty years ago, Dad went missing. Ronan and I have both been working different angles to try to find out what happened to him. We agree that he’s dead.” Brendan paused and let that sink in. It was something they all knew but never spoke of. “We also agree that there had to have been some kind of foul play. With the digging we’ve done, we’re convinced that if Alan Cahill wasn’t behind it, he at least knew something and covered it up.”

Ann sucked in a harsh breath.

“Mom?” Ronan said.

“I’ve been thinking ever since you were here last after Alan died. There’s something I need to tell you. Something that I’ve never told any of you.” She glanced at their faces around the table. “That summer when your dad went missing, he’d been working extra odd jobs for Alan Cahill. It wasn’t unusual. Any time we needed some extra cash, he did that. The medical bills for Killian’s broken arm or sending Gavin to the arts camp. He’d do anything for you kids.” Her lips pressed together into a tight line before she spoke again. “For me.”

She took a deep breath. “I was pregnant again. That summer. He was working extra to prepare for the baby.” Her eyes filled. “I lost the pregnancy after he went missing. I didn’t tell anyone. It had been early on.”

Ronan took his mother’s hand. Why would she have kept all of this from them? Carried this burden on her own.

She patted his hand. “I was distraught. Worried about all of you. When Alan came offering his help, I never considered...”

Tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Are you saying you think this was guilt money?” Brendan asked.

“I don’t know. I thought he was being a good man, looking out for family. Your father had worked for him from the beginning.”

“Maybe that’s all it was,” Declan offered.

Ronan shot Brendan a look. They knew better. It was hush money from a man who was entering the Chicago political scene.

“There’s more. Yesterday, I received a certified envelope from Alan’s lawyer.” She rose from the table. “I’ll be right back.”

When she stepped away, Ronan stared at his siblings. They were all dumbfounded. When Ann returned with an unopened manila envelope, she handed it to Brendan.

“Did the fucker put us in his will?” Nessa asked.