Page 108 of In Too Deep

“You’ll have to accept that I’m a little possessive and protective that way. So I can handle you telling me when I’m out of line, but you need to know that I will always step in between you and anything that will hurt you.”

“Okay.” She wrapped her free hand around his wrist. “On that note, there’s something else I have to tell you.”

The muscle in his jaw flexed, but he waited.

“First, know that I’m fine. Nothing horrible happened.” She inhaled deeply. “This afternoon, when I left the Rose to go home to change, Danny Cahill was waiting at my apartment.”

“What?” He started to jump up, but she pushed him back.

“He suspects you’re working with Brendan. He didn’t say as much, but he asked why you were at the Rose the night his father died.”

“Damn. I knew he saw me, but it was like it didn’t register. I didn’t think he’d remember.”

“He does. I told him you came to ask me out.”

“Smart thinking.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a partial smile.

She shouldn’t want to bask in the pride on his face, but she did. “Anyway, he warned me that you were trouble. It made me a little uneasy, but he wasn’t...really threatening. I asked him why he hired you if you’re trouble and he said his father taught him to keep an eye on people so they can’t sneak up behind him. He’s watching you as much as you’re watching him.”

“Let him watch. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah. He rattled me. Nothing like walking in to a surprise visitor. Part of me thinks he wanted me to give you the message.”

“I hate that you’re caught up in the middle of this.”

“I’m not. It brought me you.”

“Can’t complain about that.”

She surged forward and kissed him. It quickly became heated and they fell back onto the bed together.

Yeah, they weren’t perfect, but they worked.

By the timeSaturday rolled around, Chloe’s mind was focused on how to tell her family about her and Ronan. Depending on how that went, she might want to spring her new career plan on them. One step at a time.

Nessa’s party was in a little while, so Chloe headed to her parents’ house to talk to them before going across the street to the party. She didn’t want her relationship to be discovered through the rumor mill. She wasn’t nervous, which surprised her. The last week with Ronan had been eye-opening. Once she let go of the imagined consequences of their relationship, she relaxed and settled into it.

She hadn’t even freaked out about Ronan making her a key for his house.

Declan had given her a hard time, though. It was almost like having an extra brother.

She parked in front of the house and grabbed the two containers of cookies she’d made. One for the party and one for her mom. After locking her car, she noticed her sister’s car. Great, now she only had to have this conversation once.

Walking through the front door, she called, “Hey, Mom, Dad.”

“Chloe,” her mom said as she came from the kitchen. Her father was at the dining room table, reading the paper.

“What are all those for?” Mom asked pointing to the containers.

“This one’s for you.”

“You baked?” Mom asked, surprised.

“Yes.” Chloe tried to keep the sarcasm from her voice. So the cookies came from a tube of dough. She did do the actual baking.

Erin came in from the kitchen carrying two cups of coffee. “Hey, Chloe. There’s a fresh pot of coffee if you want some.”

“Cool. Have some cookies.” She set the container on the table.

Her mom continued to talk as Chloe went to the kitchen. “I heard there was a problem at the wake the other night. Ronan Doyle punched someone, causing a scene.”

Chloe didn’t even get to pour her coffee. She returned to the dining room. “Yes, he did punch someone. The guy was drunk and put his hands on me. When Ronan told him to back off, he swung at Ronan. Twice. There wasn’t much of a scene.”

“The neighborhood has been talking about it as if it were a brawl.”

“Well, it wasn’t.”

“Ronan was defending your honor?” Erin asked.