Nick’s low chuckle tells me he’s in total agreement. “I’ll meet you at the penthouse in an hour to pick you up.”

“Isn’t that a little early for dinner?”

“By the time we get where we’re going, it won’t be. I’ll see you soon, Ms. Ross.”

I can hardly curb my grin. “I’ll be ready for you, Mr. Baine.”

Chapter 24

Nick arrives at the penthouse looking freshly showered and mouth-wateringly sexy in a pearl gray shirt with the collar opened and one of the dozen or so bespoke suits he keeps in the private dressing room of his office. The black pants and jacket fit him to perfection, making me yearn to put my hands—and mouth—all over the muscled, male beauty of his body.

His dark gaze seems to approve of my appearance as well. “Maybe dinner plans should wait. You look good enough to eat,” he says, catching my hand and rotating me in front of him. “New dress?”

I nod, glancing down at the silky, wine-colored halter dress and sparkly designer sandals I bought on the way home with some of the money from my paintings. It’s a splurge I probably shouldn’t have indulged in, but I want to look good for Nick. “You like it?”

“Oh, yeah. Not as much as I like what’s in it, though.” He lifts my chin and brushes his lips over mine. “We should go before I change my mind and keep you here.”

If he thinks I would have complained about that, he’s mistaken. I’ll go or stay anywhere so long as it means being close to him. “Where are you taking me?”

His smile is cryptic. “You’ll see when we get there.”

We step into the private elevator and take the lift down to the lobby. The limousine waits for us outside. With a wink from Manny, I feel like a princess being led to her carriage as Nick strolls with me past the handful of well-dressed people who all pause and look our way.

I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the attention that comes with being on Dominic Baine’s arm, but right now I feel miles away from the uncertain, out-of-place imposter who stepped through these doors less than five months ago.

Not because of his money or his recognition as one of the most powerful men in this city, if not the world. I don’t feel different because of the luxury and all of the fine things that are becoming my new normal.

I am different because of him.

Better because of him.


And, yes, happier.

So in love with him I’m sure it’s written all over my face as he links his fingers through mine and walks me out to the waiting car, pausing to kiss me once more before we both slide into the backseat and leave our gawking audience behind.

I notice Nick doesn’t give Patrick directions anywhere. They’ve obviously already discussed the plan.

I slant a glance at Nick. “You’re really not going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Someplace I think you’ll enjoy.”

The car heads into the evening traffic and I settle against Nick for the ride. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that instead of navigating deeper into the city, we’re driving out of it. Heading for the airport.

I frown at him. “Nick—”

He silences me with a deep, breath-stealing kiss. “Trust, Ms. Ross.”

That phrase and the heated, confident look he gives me transport me in an instant to another moment like this one—to another time when he surprised me with an excursion that brought us to the private charter terminal of this same airport, followed by three weeks of tropical bliss and sheet-scorching, adventurous sex.

I sit back and try to exercise patience I seldom have, watching as Patrick drives us around to where a large jet waits. A jet with the Baine International logo emblazoned on its fuselage.

This is not the aircraft we took before. That chartered plane was a ten-seat miniature compared to this sleek, formidable looking bird.

The limo comes to a halt near the stairs leading up to the aircraft. Patrick comes around to Nick’s side of the car and opens the backse

at door.