“Hey, girl!” She hurries over and pulls me into a tight hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”

I return her smile, feeling genuinely pleased for her. “How’s it going?”

“Awesome.” Her brown eyes are wide with enthusiasm and energy. “Nick had his attorney call everyone in early this morning to tell them about the changes. They’re all being really cool about the fact that I’m managing now. I don’t think anyone’s sorry to see Joel gone.”

I nod, taking in the busy, but less harried, vibe in the place today. And I can’t help but notice that the dress code is already improved too. No more low-cut tops and high heels on any of the female servers. Like Tasha, the other women are dressed in black pants and tops, but with decidedly less cleavage on display.

As we’re talking, Kimmie comes out of the kitchen area carrying a crate of bar glasses, still steaming from the dishwasher. Her blond hair is limp and drooping in her face as she schleps the heavy glassware to the bar and begins racking it up for the day’s use.

Tasha catches my amused look and shrugs. “I demoted her to kitchen runner. She might be the only one who’ll have trouble adjusting to the new world order around here.”

I shake my head, unable to tame my smile. “You’re bad.”

“Hey, I just want the work done right. And I’ll be fair about it. I told Kimmie if she works hard and does a good job, I’ll consider putting her back on the floor at some point.”

I laugh, feeling overwhelmed with joy for my friend. I have no doubt she’s going to make Vendange an even bigger success. “I’m glad this all worked out for you, Tasha. You deserve this.”

“I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m going to do my damnedest to make you proud.” She grins. “I don’t suppose I could talk you into coming back to Vendange, now that Joel is gone?”

“Ah, probably not a good idea.” I don’t tell her that the new owner likely wouldn’t clear me for hire anyway, especially since that Nick and I aren’t on speaking terms. “I appreciate the thought, but I’m sure you’ll do fine without me.”

“You know what’s really amazing? I get to hire a night manager in a couple of months after things smooth out. Not only do I have this great opportunity with better pay, but I’ll get to spend more time at home with Zoe too.” She’s beaming, practically glowing with happiness. “I owe all of this to you, Avery. Well, and to Nick, of course. Speaking of our favorite bazillionaire, where is he today?”

“I don’t know.” I try not to sound as dejected as I feel, but I can’t escape Tasha’s narrowed stare. “Last night when he dropped me off, he said he had business to handle this morning. I haven’t seen him. I’m not sure we’re speaking at the moment.”

“Oh, Ave.” Her brow creases with a worried frown. “What happened? Do you want to talk about it?”

I do, but at the same moment, I see a very attractive black man in a white dress shirt and tie and light gray slacks come out of Joel’s former office with a tablet in hand. High cheekbones and close-trimmed hair and beard set off pale eyes and a lush mouth. Even though my heart and all the rest of me belongs to Nick, it’s hard not to stare.

Tasha glances back at him, following my arrested gaze. “That’s Andrew Beckham.”

“Nick’s attorney?”



She wiggles her brows at me. “Yeah. Oh is right. You haven’t met? Come on, let me introduce you.”

I start to protest, but it’s too late. The young lawyer approaches us, his mouth curved in a polite smile.

“Mr. Beckham, this is my friend, Avery Ross.”

His chin lifts slightly in acknowledgment as he extends his hand to me. “Ms. Ross. Nice to meet you. And please, both of you, call me Andrew. Or Beck. I hear Mr. Beckham and I get a little twitchy, expecting to see my dad in the room with me.”

I smile and shake his hand, feeling awkward and relaxed at the same time. It’s obvious Nick has already mentioned me to him in some capacity. Good or bad, at this moment I don’t know. Thankfully, Beck is too professional to point it out.

The three of us chat for a few minutes about the restaurant and trivial things, then Beck’s phone chimes and he excuses himself to take the call. I don’t have to guess if it’s Nick he’s speaking to. Andrew Beckham may be an outstanding lawyer, but he’s no match for my intuition.

Just knowing Nick is on the other line now puts a knot of misery in my breast.

“I should go,” I murmur.

“So soon?” Tasha looks crestfallen. “You just got here.”

I shrug lamely. “I have some errands to run. And you need to get back to work, boss lady.”

She stares at me for a long moment, then pulls me into a quick hug. “I don’t believe you, but I’m gonna let you slide for now. You call me later. But first, you go tell that man you love him and that whatever is wrong, you want to work it out.”