l thrust, he cleaves deep. I cry out at the pleasure of him, my sex gripping him tightly, already rippling in waves of mounting release as he pistons behind me.

My orgasm roils, sweeping me up swiftly. And then, as if he understands what will push me over the steepest ledge, Nick draws his finger through our wetness and finds my anus again. He pushes inside, his finger penetrating my ass as his cock surges to an even stronger presence within the pulsating walls of my sex.

“Oh, God. Nick.”

A hard groan erupts out of him. “I know, baby. Feels so fucking good.”

“Yes.” I’m panting now, about to shatter.

“Let it go,” he urges me. “Let it go, baby. I’ve got you.”

I come on a keening cry, shameless and raw. Pleasure swamps me, drowns me. I succumb without a fight. I let the ecstasy sweep me away, trusting I can because Nick’s hold on me is firm and steady. My safe mooring, no matter where he takes me.

I’ve never felt so free, so protected. So thoroughly possessed.

I’ve never felt so intimately connected to someone.

And when his own release starts to crest and he clutches me tightly against the heat and strength of his body, I don’t know how I’m ever going to learn to live without this kind of passion and connection in my life.

I don’t know how I will ever learn to live without him.

Chapter 35

“Any more pad kee mao left over there?” I gesture with a chopstick to one of the half-dozen Thai takeout containers sitting on a large tray at the end of the bed.

Nick grins. “The lady has an appetite.”

“The lady had quite a workout.”

His dark brows arch. “Ready for another round?”

I laugh, but I have no doubt he’s serious. “You’re completely insatiable, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I thought that was one of the things you like about me.”

“Utterly shameless too,” I add, smiling as I pop my last bite of sauce-slathered noodles into my mouth. Holding up my near-empty plate, I indicate our decimated food supply with another jab of my chopstick. “More, please.”

He leans over to kiss me. “Baby, more is one thing you never need to ask for with me.”

We’re both seated on the bed naked—or partially naked in my case. I’m wearing the string of pearls again, although in a more traditional manner now. Looped twice around my neck, the long strand falls over my breasts and down my belly, pooling in the V of my crossed legs. Each slide of the silky gems over my nipples or against my nude sex is a decadent reminder of the hours of pleasure I’ve shared with Nick tonight.

We’ve hardly left the bedroom since he arrived hours ago. When our stomachs started complaining, we finally showered and called for food delivery, neither of us interested in getting dressed to go out when we could extend our naked reunion into a likely all-nighter.

As I watch him stretch to grab one of the food containers off the tray, my body stirs all over again in lustful appreciation for this gorgeous, intriguing, endlessly seductive man who feeds every hunger I have.

When Nick pivots back toward me to spoon the last of the drunken noodles onto my plate, his gaze catches mine. He pauses, tilting his head. “What?”

“I just remembered we were supposed to celebrate your London deal when you got home.”

“Isn’t that what we just did?” He empties the container, then sets it back on the tray, licking his fingers. “I think this should be the new standard in celebrations. You, me, hours of uninterrupted sex. A week’s worth of takeout for the lady and her alarmingly massive appetite afterward.”

“Oh!” I gape in venomless outrage, setting my plate down so I can lunge for him. “My massive appetite? You ate just as much as me, you bastard.”

Chuckling, he takes me down with him, my body sprawled across the front of him on the mattress. I hardly even care that we’ve upset the tray at the end of bed. I’ll worry about a little spilled rice later. Right now, the only thing that matters to me is the firm warmth of Nick’s body beneath mine, his mouth hot and consuming as we fall into a slow, sensual kiss.

His cock presses thick and steely against my abdomen. I’m already wildly turned on and aching for him, and the erotic feel of the string of pearls crushed between us makes my desire ratchet even higher.

With some effort, I draw back from his kiss. “Just for that smartass remark, I shouldn’t tell you that I have a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator. I was saving it for when you got back, but now I’m not sure you deserve it.”