My mind starts to wander back to that decision but the sound of a knock on the front door has me whipping my head up.

“He’s here,” I whisper, my voice shaky.

Livvy smiles and walks out of the room and then back in a few seconds later, two boxes in her hands. “I got you these.”

“What? You didn’t—”

“Hush now, child.” She smirks. “I’ll leave you to get dressed.”

With that she leaves, closing the door behind her. My eyes move down to the two boxes and I run my finger over the edge of the top, smaller one, knowing that it must contain shoes.

I lift the lid tentatively, moving my head to the side as I place it on the bed and pull back the white wrapping that encases the heels. I stare at them, marveling at the strappy, black heels. I’ve never owned a pair like this in my life, and just the thought of walking in them makes me nervous. They’re not high, I’d say three inches at most, but it’s way more than I’m used to.

I push my feet into them, stroking the straps that interweave across the top of my foot and the back of my heel before opening the other box and slowly pulling out the dress.

Standing up, I take my robe off and slip the dress over my head before turning to face the mirror.

My dark-brown hair is styled in loose waves, my makeup done to perfection—it almost looks natural how the orange and brown shadows compliment my eyes. I continue looking down, my hands smoothing the sides of the deep red dress. The neckline sweeps along my collarbone in a semi-circle, resting there delicately the same as it does from the neck to under my arms. It hugs my waist and hips along with my thighs before it stops just before my knees.

I’ve never felt more beautiful in my entire life than I do right now in this moment.

My eyes move to the door and I clutch my hands together, my nerves coming back full force when I realize that Evan is on the other side of that door.

I step up to the door, catching my reflection in the glass and pushing a piece of errant hair back into place with a shaky hand.

“Stop it, Evan,” I whisper to myself. I’ve been nervous all day and it’s only gotten worse the closer the time has come. I was ready to leave an hour ago, but I had to stop myself and sit on my sofa, only serving to make my nerves so much more intense.

When I get like this, I normally play a game or work on a piece of software or device, but no matter what I did this time, nothing distracted me.

I’m putting myself out there with her, and I’ll admit, I’m scared that I’ll say or do something to set her off. Geena was perfect when we first went out, but that soon changed.

I shake my head, berating myself for going there.

Taking a deep breath, I lift my hand about to knock on the door as it swings open. “Evan?”

“Erm… hey, West.” I shuffle nervously on the spot before clearing my throat. “I’m here for Lexi.”

He frowns, his head reeling back as he steps aside for Seb. “Lexi?”

“Yeah… I… We… erm… we have a date.”

They both stare at me like I have two heads, neither saying another word until Livvy shouts, “Let him inside!”

They step apart, allowing me to walk in where I’m immediately greeted by Livvy and her waiting arms. “You look handsome,” she says, pulling back and straightening the khaki shirt that I’m wearing.

“Thanks.” Pushing my hands into the pockets of my black jeans, swaying to the side as my eyes wander down the hallway. “Is she ready, or…”

“She’ll be out in a minute.” She grins big and wide before lifting up on her tiptoes and pushing my hair into place. “You make sure you look after our Lexi, she’s not like that other woman you had.”


“I know I don’t need to say it.” Her eyes flit between mine. “But you treat her right and in the way that she deserves.”

“Okay,” I say, swallowing against the dryness that has suddenly appeared in my throat. “I will.”

Livvy nods and then steps to the side, sitting down in the arm chair opposite West and Seb who are still watching me with shocked expressions.

“What?” I ask, my voice coming out harsher than I intended.