“But Geena was outside too.”

I stand up straight, picking my cell up off the table.

“What happened?” I growl.

“She said something to Lexi, I don’t know what but she ran away and now she’s locked herself in the community center and she won’t come out. I can see her and… she… Lexi?”

I pick my keys up off the table, running out of the warehouse and heading straight to my car, starting the engine and spinning out of the compound.

“What’s she doing, Kay?”

“She’s saying something over and over again. Kitty’s trying to talk her down but we can’t get to her.”

“Okay… just keep trying to talk to her, I’ll be there in a few.”

I drop my cell on the passenger seat, leaning forward and pressing the pedal to the floor as I speed my way to the center.

It takes me a few minutes, and as soon as I’ve come to a stop, I pull my keys out of the ignition and jump out before running over the grass to the doors where Kay and Kitty stand.

“I’m sorry, Evan, it’s all our fault.”

“It’s not, Kay.” I smile and place my hand on her arm, putting my key in the lock and pushing the door open.

“Lex?” I whisper her name as my eyes land on her, sitting in the corner, rocking herself back and forth. “Lex?” I call again, taking a step forward.

She doesn’t look up as she continues to rock herself, her hands over her ears as she murmurs something over and over again.

I crouch down in front of her and lift my hand to her knee.

“Please don’t,” she whimpers, her eyes squeezed shut. The look of pain on her face guts me.

“Lex, baby, it’s just me.”

She shakes her head. “No… no.”

I swallow against the dryness of my throat and look up at Kay and Kitty who are standing in the doorway watching us.

Shuffling closer, I lay my other hand on her forearm, pulling her hand away from her ear. “Lex…”

Her eyes spring open and my head reels back at the torment that she shows me. I can’t even comprehend what she’s been through right now, but whatever it is, it’s haunting her.

“I can’t go back.” She gasps, her breaths uneven. “I can’t, I can’t.”

“Go back where?” I ask, moving even closer.

“Prison,” she chokes out.

“I…” My eyes move back to Kay and Kitty who are now standing with Ty and Luke, all of them watching me, her, us. I start to doubt myself, doubting that I can deal with this, but when I turn back to face Lexi and I look into her eyes, I know without a doubt that I’d do anything for her. “You’re not going back, baby.”

“Geena, she… what she said.”

I shake my head, cupping her face in my hands as I lean forward, my lips a hairsbreadth from hers. “It doesn’t matter what she said, it won’t ever happen.”

“You can’t know that,” she whispers, her eyes not moving from mine.

“I can.” I grin and press my lips to hers in a soft, gentle kiss before pulling back and resting my forehead against hers. “Take a deep breath: in, out.”

I watch her chest as she breathes deeply. My hands wander down her arms and to her hands that are shaking. I bring them to my lips, kissing her palms gently before I stand up, bringing her with me.