“How did Uncle Evan give Lexi the baby?”

All of our eyes widen, several choked-up laughs sounding around us before Kay spins around and shouts, “Ty will tell you!”

“Ah fuck,” he groans, leaning his head back before whipping it back to Eli with pleading eyes. “I’ll give you twenty bucks if I don’t have to tell you.”

Eli tilts his head to the side before he shrugs. “Okay.”

I throw my head back, laughing at him and wondering if this is what it’ll be like for me in a few years’ time.

The chatter starts up after our announcement and Livvy comes forward, taking Lexi away from me before I get the chance to refuse.

We stand around talking for several hours before Dad, Pop, Livvy, Seb, and West head off. The sky's getting dark so we all drift out to the porch, Lexi sitting on the swing in between Kitty and Kay while Ty and Dean sit in the chairs on either side.

Eli is asleep in his room and I’m sitting on the steps, leaning my head on the wooden railing, watching Lexi as she talks all things babies with Kay.

Dad said he’s already been buying things for the baby; knowing him he’s probably already bought everything that we need. He also said he’s starting to decorate the nursery at their home for when the baby stays there and has grandad and grandpa time.

Headlights shining across the compound has my head turning. Luke speeds into the compound, parking his car at an angle before rushing around the other side and pulling someone out of the passenger seat.

We’re all on high alert, Ty and Dean standing at the same time as I do.

Luke slams the passenger side door to his car, cradling something against him as he looks down briefly and then darts across the compound and toward us to get to his house.

He comes to a halt when he spots us all watching him, his muscles taut and his face fierce. His eyes clash with mine and then Ty’s as indecision shines in his eyes.

He looks down again, murmuring something to the woman he’s holding against his chest. A whimper escapes her which has me stepping forward. What the hell is going on?

“Luke?” Ty stands beside me. “Who’s that?”

Luke’s hand glides along the person’s hair. “It’s okay, angel. I’ll make it all better, I promise.”

“Luke,” she whispers, her voice traveling to us on the wind.

“I know, angel. I know.”

His head swings up, his eyes flitting between all of us, stopping on Kay for an extra beat before he says, “This is… this is…” He visibly swallows. “This is my wife.”

My eyes widen, my mouth opening and closing as he spins around and walks away from us.

His wife?

“That’s it, baby! You can do it.”

I push my chin to my chest, putting all of my effort into the push before I lean back, my energy zapped.

“It fucking hurts,” I groan, letting my eyes close and basking in the brief stillness where there isn’t an inch of pain.

“I know,” Evan soothes.

My eyes pop open and I swing my head to face him. “No!” I shake my head. “You don’t know! You try pushing a watermelon out of your ass and then come back to me and tell me you know.”

“I wasn’t—”

“This is all your fault!” I shout, cringing as another contraction starts. I grit my teeth and hold his hand tighter as I start to push again, sweat rolling down my face. I’m a hot mess.

“I see the head,” the doctor announces. “Give me a big push, Lexi. That’s it.”

Evan moves a step toward the doctor. “Where are you going?” I grit out.