“Lexi?” I jump at the voice, banging my elbow off the wall and cursing as the pins and needles sensation rolls down my arm and through my hand.

“Fuck.” I wince before pulling the curtain back, my eyes connecting with hers. “Yeah.”

“Wow.” Her gaze tracks down me from head to toe, eyes widening before she shouts, “Kitty!”

I wrap my arms around my waist, feeling self-conscious as footsteps near.

“Holy guacamole.” Kitty puts her hands on her hips, a smirk on her face. “You have to get that, Evan will blow his load.”

I make a choking sound in the back of my throat, not quite believing that those words just came out of her mouth.

“I… I dunno.” I shrug.

“I’ll go find shoes,” Kitty announces, spinning around and walking away.

Kay steps forward, placing her hands on my shoulders and giving them a gentle squeeze. “You look stunning, you really should get it.” She gives me a soft smile before walking away much like Kitty did.

I let the curtain drop closed, slowly turning around and staring at myself in the mirror. They’re right, I do look beautiful in this dress, and I can’t deny how I feel when I move and the fabric flows with me.

I look at my face, staring into my eyes and making the snap decision to get the dress. Even if I never wear it outside of my bedroom, I don’t care.

I pull the dress off and pull my own clothes on before heading out to Kay and Kitty who are standing near the register, Kitty with a box in her hands that she lifts the lid off. “The perfect match.” She winks.

My hand strokes the stiletto heel encrusted with gold gems and sparkles. She’s right, they are the perfect match.

I take the box from her, paying and walking out with them both before we head to an Italian restaurant and eat our fill of pasta and tiramisu. By the time we leave I’m so stuffed and bloated that I have to undo the button on my shorts.

I lift the cell out of my pocket that Evan gave me when I slide into the back of the car, seeing that it’s nearly two in the afternoon. I check and double check my messages but there’s nothing from Evan. I’ll probably be the last person to know once he’s finished whatever it is he’s doing.

I move my head up and down to the beat of the music that plays over the radio before lifting my head and looking out of the windshield.

Kay turns into my road and my brow furrows when I see all of the cars; then I spot the police cars parked outside Livvy’s.

“What’s going on?” I ask, knowing that they know as much as I do but not able to stop myself as I start to panic.

Has something happened with Livvy? Is she okay?

I can’t get out of the car fast enough when Kay pulls up behind one of the four squad cars. I run for the house, leaving my bag with the dress behind and head up the path before I’m stopped with a hand to my shoulder.

I spin around, coming face to face with Geena. “What—”

“Don’t move,” she warns, keeping her one hand on my shoulder as the other goes to her

waist and hovers over her gun. “Sarge?” she says into the radio clipped to her shoulder.

My eyes flit between hers before my gaze catches Kay and Kitty’s as they run up to us.

“What the hell, Geena?” If looks could kill, I’m pretty sure Geena would be dead with the fire that is coming out of Kitty’s eyes right now.

Footsteps sound behind me and Kitty pushes past Geena, making her connection to me sever before she grabs my hand and pulls me into the house, looking up at someone. My gaze tracks him from the combat boots he wears and over his jeans, to the belt clipped around his waist along with a badge and up to his face.

“Charlie? What the hell?”

“You need to stay out of this, Kitty Kat.”

She raises a brow, letting go of me and slamming her hands onto her hips as she squares off to him. “I’ll do no such thing.”

“I’m serious,” he says, his voice deepening as he steps forward. At first I think he’s going to continue talking to her but then his chocolate-brown eyes meet mine and I know that this isn’t good for me before he even opens his mouth.