“I…” I frown. “I think so.”

“You think so?” Pop laughs, shaking his head before he steps forward. “People like her don’t come around every day, son. If you know you want nobody else but her, then tell her.”

Dad sidles up next to Pop, searching for what we’re looking at. When he spots Lexi doing a superhero pose next to Eli, he chuckles. “Ahhh, look at our girl, Cal.”

I turn around, plating up two burgers, knowing that’s what they’ll want. Ever since I found out that they knew Lexi, she’s always been their girl. They have the kind of relationship with her that Geena never had. She couldn’t stand being in their company whereas I know Lexi regularly goes and visits with Dad and Pop—without me.

“She’s amazing with kids,” Pop comments. “Maybe we’ll get those grandbabies after all.”

The breath catches in my throat and I stutter out a weird laugh cough combination. I’m not even going to entertain that thought. I’m not ready to be a father—not now, not in ten years. It’s not that I hate kids, because I don’t, but the thought of being responsible for a tiny human has me breaking out into a sweat.

“Don’t play him up,” Dad says, although I can hear the laughter in his voice.

I plate their burgers up, passing them over all the while shaking my head at their antics. “I’ll come on over and have a game in a while,” I tell them, knowing that the grill is coming to an end.

I want nothing more than to have some alone time with Lexi, but when I find her again, she’s standing next to Kay and Ty with Eli right next to her, looking at her like she hangs the moon.

I know the feeling, kid, I know the feeling.

“I’ll guard you, Lexi!”

I stand still, trying to catch my breath. As soon as Eli ran through the gate and saw me, we’ve been on a mission. He explained that it’s what Ty and Evan do—go on missions. I know a little about what Evan does at the compound, but having Eli explain it to me and what he thinks they do—catching the bad guys—has put things into perspective.

These guys are one of a kind. All of them.

“Let Lexi have a rest now,” Kays says, coming to stand beside me with Ty next to her.

“But we’re catching the bad guys!” he groans, hands on his hips.

“Even superheroes have a rest, bud.” Ty crouches down in front of him.

Eli shakes his head before looking back up at me and saying, “Let’s take five.”

I give him a thumbs up before he goes wandering off toward Mal and Cal who are talking to Luke and Dean.


“I don’t know how you do it,” I say to Kay, my eyes wide. “I feel like I need a nap.”

She tilts her head to the side, watching me for several seconds before her eyes widen and she shuffles forward, her hand landing on my arm protectively.

“Kaylee, Tyson.” Shivers roll up my spine at the sound of Geena’s voice. I haven’t seen her since the day I had a panic attack—after her threat. She hasn’t made good on it yet but there’s still time for her to; I have no doubt that she will. She’s the ultimate mean girl.

“Geena,” Ty answers, his voice gruff and nothing like the tone he used with Eli only a couple of minutes ago.

My gaze flits over to the grill, searching for Evan. His gaze meets mine and I can see the exact second that he realizes why my eyes are wide open. His back straightens and his hands clench into fists before he dashes around the table and walks over to us.

I expect him to go right to Geena, but he doesn’t, instead he keeps his eyes connected to mine—reassuring me—as he weaves around people who are scattered about.

My breath hitches when he gets closer, my whole body being consumed by him. My heart beats harder in my chest, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he stops only a few steps away, his hand coming up and grazing my bicep with the pads of his fingers,

I want to say that I can’t hear Geena talking to Ty behind me, but that would be a lie. I hear her harsh tone, the way she’s silent for point two seconds when Evan touches my arm.

“Evan.” Her snarky tone doesn’t go amiss, and I know that Evan heard her by the tightening of his fingers on my arm and the muscles ticking in his jaw, but he doesn’t acknowledge her.

Instead, he leans closer before whispering, “Want to catch some ducks with me?”

I chuckle, my body relaxing the longer he’s in front of me. “I’d love to catch some ducks with you.”