“So, he doesn’t trust us now?” Seb asks.

“I’d say he’s keeping tabs on you,” Dean says. “He’s being extra careful. You need to act normal.”

“What Dean said,” Ty interrupts. “Make sure you act as normal as you can, anything out of the ordinary will cause him to be suspicious. If he asks about today, say that you were talking to Evan about the job and that he doesn’t trust anyone’s vehicles but his own. That way you’ll get Evan’s car in the mix too.”

“That’s a good idea!” West shouts, a grin on his face. And I thought I was an excitable puppy. “So, what now?”

“Evan will check out your place and make sure it’s not bugged, and you need to make contact with Darrell and tell him you’ve met with Evan. Set up a meeting.”

Seb and West look at each other, their eyes wide as Seb says, “That may be difficult.”

“What’s difficult about arranging a meeting with your boss?”

West smirks as Seb says, “Nah, that’s the easy part. What’ll be hard is trying to get around Gran. She’ll want to know what we’re doing and be all up in our business.”

I bite my lip as I think about a way to get Livvy out of the house. Lexi isn’t a problem because I know her work schedule. Maybe I can get Dad to take her out?

“I’ll handle Livvy and I’ll check the house over tomorrow. In the meantime, just act normal and don’t talk about anything personal,” I tell them.

“If he’s watching us that means he knows about Gran and—”

I cut him off before he says her name. “She’ll be fine, he’s not the kind to go after family.”

Seb’s eyes hold mine for a beat before he nods in acknowledgement. Everyone stands up and scatters from the table, each going their separate ways to work on their own jobs.

“Evan? Can I have a word?” Luke asks.


“Later? Maybe over a pizza and beer?”

I narrow my eyes at him and the worried look on his face and in his eyes.

“Of course. I’ll come around about eight?”

He swipes his hand through his blond hair. “Thanks, man.”

I continue to watch him as he stands next to me, staring straight ahead of him but not looking at anything in particular. I know that this time of year is hard for him, not that he’ll tell us why, or what happened, but we all know that it has something to do with his mom and his childhood. I’ve known Luke for years, and we’ve become family, but he still won’t tell us all of the details. Not that I blame him, I can’t bring myself to tell them about my past either.

“Ready?” Dean asks, coming to stand beside Luke and making him jump. Luke never jumps.

“What?” he grinds out.

“To go and watch Darrell?” Dean asks, his brows drawn down into a frown.

“Why the fuck do I have to be your fucking babysitter?” He runs his hands through his hair, huffing and narrowing his eyes at Dean before huffing out a breath. “Let’s go.”

Luke holds his hand out for the keys and when they’re in the palm of his hand, he pulls the metal door open and they both disappear with Luke bitching about Dean.

I stare at the door for a few seconds before standing up and shouting, “Come on then!” to Seb and West where they’re standing on the mats talking to Ty. “Got places to go and devices to make, can’t be hanging around gossiping all day.”

I chuckle at myself and make my way out of the warehouse and to my car, waiting for them to come and hoping that I get a glimpse of Lexi when I drop them back off.

I spent the whole day yesterday exploring the little town that has been my home for the last month and a half; all the while trying to get the feel of Evan’s hands off my skin and out of my mind.

It’s fair to say that I failed. Evan’s touch seemed to ignite a fire inside me that couldn’t be doused no matter what I did or what I tried to distract myself with.

I have no idea what this feeling is. Before I went to prison, I had a couple of boyfriends, but neither of them made me feel like this when we were together. Not like my skin was on fire but humming at the same time. Like my soul was open for the taking and that he would hold it and cherish it like it was the most fragile thing in the world.