I grind my teeth together as I realize what went on. This wasn’t random, her uncle and Darrell were behind it. The subtle warning of the photos when we found out he knew about us wasn’t only a warning—it was a promise.

“I don’t give a fuck! You promised me my money if I planted the drugs on her!”

“And you’ll get it… all in due course.”

The line goes dead; my nostrils flare and I stand up. White hot anger flows through me as I realize that this is my fault. I’m the reason that Lexi is back in that place.

“He was in on it,” I fume.

“What? Who?” This comes from Charlie as he steps forward, his gaze swinging from Ty to Kitty, trying to get a read on them.

“I think it’s time you all left,” Ty says, his voice a low growl. “This is MAC business. If we need any help, we’ll be sure to contact you.”

There’s another beat of silence in the warehouse before shuffling commences and everyone leaves apart from the team. We all stare at each other, knowing what this means.

“He was behind this.”

“We should have known. The same day of the job and Lexi gets arrested… it was too convenient,” Luke growls.

Fuck! How hadn’t any of us put it together? I bang my fist down on the table in frustration. He achieved what he set out to—he has us distracted—more importantly, he had me distracted.

Why? Why did he need me—

“The code!”

I slam my ass back into my chair, bringing up the code that I installed in the chip and running all of the sequences.

The team talk around me, discussing best ways to get evidence on both her uncle and also Darrell—saying that we now have a confession—but I’m too busy searching to see what he’s done, and when I find it, I’m equal parts relieved and angry.

“He’s accessing the facility where this is being made.”

“What?” Kitty asks, coming to stand behind me. “What does that mean?”

“He never wanted a code inside the software to spy on people when it’s released.” I look up at Ty. “He wanted it so that he could get ears inside of the place; he’s accessing everything there.”

“Where is there?” Luke asks.

“Center 109.” There’s a collective gasp. “He’s got access to it all: FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, ATF, the military… there isn’t a system he can’t crack.”

“Turn it off!” Ty thunders.

My fingers go flying over the keys again, but it’s fruitless because I already tried, he overrode it and now I can’t manipulate a single part of the code, all I can do is watch and see what he accesses.

“I can’t,” I say. “I can’t stop him, but…” I look up at Ty as he walks closer. “I can see what he’s looking at.”

Ty comes to stand behind me, leaning down and watching the screen in the same way that I am. Someone clicks onto a file named “Derock #5629,” it opens up and several other files appear on the screen.

The rest of the guys come closer, all watching in fascination as he searches through all of the information in the system. What looks like several dozen alias files are flicking on the screen, all with different back stories and names, most information blacked out, but not enough to know that whoever this person is, they’re dangerous. No one has this many aliases for no reason.

We all lean forward when the frantic searching on the screen slows down and a picture is zoomed in on.

“Who’s that?” Kitty asks leaning closer.

I swipe my fingers on the trackpad, zooming in too.


“It’s Daley.”