For all that I thought Jonny was, he actually isn’t that bad. He’s only ever been kind to me. He could have taken me to his own doctor that I know tends to anyone who’s injured without asking questions, but he didn’t, he risked everything bringing me here and I’ll forever be grateful.

“Yeah, darlin’. I’m sure.” He smiles and stands up, hooking his thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll just be out there.”

I nod and turn my head, wincing as someone touches my bicep.

“Bullet is still in there,” someone says. “We need to get it out.”

They start poking around in the wound and I scream, just before everything turns black, again.

“Sergeant Mackenzie,” I grunt into my cell.

“Charlie?” a soft voice sounds over the line. “It’s Maria from the hospital. I thought you’d want to know that Jonny May just turned up with a gunshot victim.”

My heart starts to pound and I stand up from my office chair, making my way into the pit.

“Who’s the victim?”

“One second, let me see.” I hear some typing in the background and then she says, “Katherine Walker.”

I freeze, the cell dropping from my ear and falling to the floor. This can’t be happening. I can’t lose her too. Not like this.

I look around at all the expectant faces that are waiting to hear what I have to say, but I can’t form words. Nothing is coming out; my world is tilting off its axis and I don’t know what to think or what to do.

“Sarge?” someone asks, but all I can do is stare at them, not being able to speak.

A hand comes crashing down onto my shoulder and everything comes barreling back, hitting me with so much force that I nearly topple over.

“Call Ty! Tell him Kitty has been shot, she’s at the hospital!” I scream as I run through the pit, several pairs of feet following me.

I can’t think about anything right now, I just need to get to Kitty, I need to make sure that she’s okay, that she’s alive.

My mind works on autopilot as I make my way to the hospital, Kurt sitting beside me and Leroy in the back. I don’t have time for small talk, I just need to get there as soon as I can, so I slam my sirens on, running through red lights and making it there in a third of the time it would have taken me normally.

I park outside the emergency room, pushing out of the car and not bothering to close the door behind me, knowing that one of the guys will take care of it.

I rush inside, scanning the area and going straight to the main desk, flashing my badge.

“Kitty… I mean, Katherine Walker.”

The woman behind the desk types the name into the computer and looks up at me. “Waiting room four-b, second floor.”

I nod and run to the stairs, not having time to wait for the elevator. I take them two at a time and run inside the waiting room, my hands clenching into fists as soon as I see him.

“Motherfucker!” I make a run for him but several arms pull me back, stopping me from rearranging his face.

“Sergeant Mackenzie.” He smirks. “What brings you here?”

“I swear to God, I will kill you if she’s hurt.”

His eyes narrow and he stands up, taking a step closer. “If who’s hurt?”

“Kitty,” I spit.

His eyes widen, the only sign that he’s shocked. Yeah, motherfucker, take that.

“Where is she!” a voice shouts from behind me.

I struggle out of Leroy and Kurt’s arms, turning to face Ty.