Yeah, oh shit is exactly my sentiment.

I wait for someone to open the gates when we get to the compound and park next to the main warehouse, knowing that they’ll all be in a meeting.

We make our way inside and are greeted by several sets of eyes, but I don’t give anyone time to say anything.

“We need to talk,” I say, my tone commanding.

“In case you forgot,” Ty practically growls, standing up and planting his hands on the table. “This is my place, you want to talk? You book a fucking appointment and don’t come barging in here like we’re going to drop everything!”

I roll my neck from side to side, not having time for this shit. “We have intel on Jonny.”

Ty frowns but doesn’t back down from his position. However much he knows that this is important, he won’t show it.

“Talk,” he growls, sitting back down and waving his hand to the only empty seat. Kitty’s chair.

Pulling out the chair, I sit down, scanning all of their faces. Kay sits next to Ty, a worried look on her face as Luke sits across from her, not showing one bit of emotion. I turn my eyes to Evan, his fingers flying across the keyboard on his laptop and finally turn my eyes back to Ty.

“We’ve had a tip that he’s getting a shipment in this week, drugs and guns, we’re gonna get him.”

“And what about Kitty?” Kay asks.

“She needs to get out, like right fucking now. If things go south and they find out someone talked, she could be in the firing line.”

“Fuck!” Luke slams his fist down on the table, standing up as he does. “I fucking said that it was a bad idea for her to go in alone!”

“Calm the fuck down,” Ty groans, his head in his hands. “I can’t get hold of Kitty, her burner has been out of service for two days now.”

“He could have killed her already!” Luke starts to pace in front of the table, coming to a standstill in front of Leroy and sneering at him before walking back to his seat.

“I saw her a couple of hours ago, she’s fin

e.” It’s out of my mouth before I even realize it.

“What do you mean you saw her a couple of hours ago?” Luke growls, leaning on the table and getting right in my face. He drops his voice to a whisper. “You fuck her and leave her again? Huh?”

“What the fuck did you just say?” I stand up so fast that the chair goes flying across the concrete floor and Leroy is at my side in a flash.

“You fucking heard me.” Luke comes forward, nose to nose with me now, but I have a couple of inches on the fucker.

“What Kitty and I do is none of your business!”

“The fuck it isn’t! You ain’t the one who has to console her when she comes home crying because you used her, yet again!”


“You… ain’t the one who has to tell her that it’ll get better!”

“Stop!” My eyes swing to Kay as she demands all of our attention. “This isn’t helping, we need to make a plan. Luke? If you can’t be civil then go home.”

“I ain’t leaving him to look after her, he never did before and he never will.”

“I swear to fucking God—” I grind out, my hands clenching into fists.

“No!” Kay shouts as I take a step toward Luke. “There will not be any of that here, all of you, sit the hell down!”

It’s then that I notice that Evan is the only one sitting down, still typing away on his laptop. My eyes move to Ty and I wince at the look on his face, jaw tensed and mouth in a grim line.

Slowly, we all sit back down and wait for someone to talk.