I shake my head no but he ignores me and grips my chin with his thumb and finger, bringing my face up to his.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

I choke back the sob that desperately wants to come out as I look into his eyes. “What?”

“I overreacted, I know that now. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that.”

“You had every right,” I say, my voice hoarse.

“No, baby. I should have spoken to you about it and not lost my mind.” He moves closer, his feet on either side of mine as he bends at the knees so that his eyes are level with me. “Forgive me?” he whispers.

“Forgive me?” I ask back.

His lips lift up on one side and he tilts his head.

“So, I was thinking.” He clears his throat, his thumb rubbing against my bottom lip. “I want to take you out on a date.”

“A date?” I smile.

“Yeah.” He nods, coming closer so that his lips are a whisper from mine. “I want to date you, Kitty. I want to do it right this time.”

His lips press against mine in a soft, gentle kiss then he pulls back slowly, his eyes sparkling.

“Okay,” I croak out then clear my throat. “A date.”

“Great.” He grins, pulling back and letting his hand fall from my face. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

He takes several steps backward before he winks and turns around, walking out of the kitchen and all I can do is watch his ass as he does.

A date… with Charlie… wow.

I check myself out in front of the mirror, making sure my hair looks okay. Wait, why the hell am I checking my hair?

I’m nervous. I feel like I did the night of my prom. Butterflies in my stomach and sweaty palms as I get ready for what is to be one of the biggest nights of my life. So I may be overreacting, but for me, this is a big step.

“You can do this,” I tell myself, taking one last look in the mirror and walking out of my place to my SUV.

The drive to the compound feels like it goes by in seconds and before I know it, I’m outside Kitty’s cottage and lifting my hand to knock on her door.

“One sec!” she shouts.

I clear my throat, shuffle on the spot and then look on either side of me.

When I came to the compound earlier, I came under the pretense to talk to Ty, but both he and I knew that I was only there to see Kitty. Apparently, we weren’t as incognito as we thought and he knew all along.

He told me that he knew I hadn’t been ready to talk about it yet, that he knew I’d tell him when I was good and ready. I thought he wouldn’t be happy about it, me doing what I’ve done to Kitty but the look in his eyes as he was sitting across from me told me that he understood, at least, as much as he could.

When I walked past the kitchen in the warehouse and saw her standing there, I knew that it was time. Time to let the past go and live in the moment, and for the future.

The sound of the door opening gains my attention and I look to Kitty, my breath catching in my throat. My eyes track her from head to toe, taking in her curves in the green, off the shoulder dress that flows over her body perfectly and ends just above her knees. Her creamy legs on full display and ending on those black stiletto’s, and her lavender hair flowing over her shoulders in soft, enticing curls.

“Hey,” she whispers.


I stand there, not knowing what to say or do. She’s completely captivated me. I’ve never seen her dressed like this; all she wears are her work clothes or pajamas, or when I’m around, preferably nothing.

“Charlie? Are we going?”