I nod my head and sit down at Evan’s workstation, waiting for him.

Evan comes rushing in ten minutes later, his hair sticking up all over the place and his t-shirt on backwards. I snort as I see him and he stops halfway to me, raising his brows in silent question.

“Dude, who dressed you today?”

“Huh?” He looks down at his chest, making a noise in the back of his throat.

He grabs it at the back of his neck, pulling it off and turning it the right way around.

Evan is a geek in all sense of the word, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. He loves computers, science, that kind of thing,

but if you saw him without those nerdy t-shirts he likes to wear, you’d have no idea that’s who he is.

He’s ripped, and not your-arms-the-size-of-legs ripped, more the athletic kind of ripped. I can’t help but stare at his abs and that V that travels down into his jeans as he tries to dress properly.

If I wasn’t so taken with a certain somebody, and I didn’t look at him like a brother, then I’d totally say he was hot.

“Woo, shake dat ass!” I shout, smirking at the blush that rises on his cheeks. “Flex those muscles.” I wink at him in jest and he rolls his eyes, holding the t-shirt in his hand at his side as he drops his brows, giving me “the eyes.”

I snort with laughter as he walks toward me, strutting his stuff like he’s on a runway before turning back around and shaking his ass.

He turns around and says, “How you like me now, sugar?” His voice rising a couple of octaves as he tries to sound like a girl.

“Very sweet.” I smirk.

He waggles his brows up and down, moving his hips around in a circle to the beat that he starts to make in his throat.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Boss!” Evan scrambles up, pulling his t-shirt over his head, the right way around this time and clearing his throat. “I was just… we were…”

“You were?” Ty prompts, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the door to the office.

“I was… we were…” He coughs, looking to me for guidance but I just smirk at him. “Oh, is that my cell I hear.” He pulls it out of his pocket, looking down and holding it to his ear. “Gotta take this,” he says, pointing to it.

I turn to face Ty who is smirking as he pulls his own cell out, pressing something on the touchscreen before the sound of Evan’s ringtone bounces off the walls and down his ear.

“Damn,” he spits, turning around slowly, looking at me and then Ty.

Ty grins, throwing his keys up in the air and catching them as he walks to Evan, patting him on the back before saying, “Nice show.”

I’ve been back on the job for a couple of weeks now and I’m getting back on form. I’m back to training twice a day and I feel like I’m finally getting my strength back in my arm, even though it’s taking some time and a lot of patience.

Luke and I have been on surveillance all week and I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. It’s great, feeling like me again.

Things are fun and meetings aren’t overshadowed with me being shot and not able to work. Everything is going smoothly and if I was a cynic, I’d be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I’m not and I feel fantastic so I have no room for those kinds of thoughts.

I hit the punching bag again, left, right, left and a kick. I do it over and over again until sweat is pouring down my face and back and I’m panting for breath. It feels so good to be able to do this again.

“Fancy a spar session?” I ask Evan as he walks across the mats to his desk.

He spins around and drops his hand onto his hip. “Mani and pedi?” he squeaks, trying his best to sound like a woman.

I snort and he huffs, fluttering his lashes at me with a pout on his face. “No mani and pedi?”

“Not a goddamn chance!” I jump closer, putting my fists up in front of me and taunting him. “Come on! Just a small session.”

He ducks one of my hits and squeals as some coffee spills onto the mat. “You made me spill it!”