“She’s being treated,” Jonny answers.

“What the hell happened?” Luke growls, stepping forward and looking between Jonny and me.

Jonny stays silent and sits back down, crossing his legs at the ankles and acting like this is a regular occurrence and just any other day of the week. I suppose for him it is.

I step forward again, needing to rid myself of all the rage that’s coursing through me. It’s his fault that she’s hurt, if it wasn’t for him then she wouldn’t have been there and she’d never have gotten shot in the first place.

“Don’t,” Ty warns. “Sit the fuck down.”

“Don’t you fucking tell me what to do!” I step up to him, nose to nose, ready to take my anger out on anyone who gets in the way.

“You need to calm the fuck down, bro. If you can’t keep your temper under control, then get the fuck out.”

I look around me, not believing what I’m seeing. Luke, Evan, and Kay are sitting down, taking up the empty seats that Jonny and his men haven’t taken.

They’re actually sitting in here, with him.

“It’s his fault that she’s here!” I shout, my finger pointing directly at Jonny.

“Yeah, and it’s Kitty who went in there, it was her choice, she knew the danger and I’m not discussing it with you... especially not here,” Ty says, his nostrils flaring. “Now sit the fuck down or get out.”

I huff, not wanting to sit down, I want to break Jonny’s face, cause a riot, scream and fucking shout.

But I do none of those things, I drag my ass to a chair and wait.

“What happened?” Ty asks when we’re all sitting down, directing his attention to Jonny.

Jonny looks around, meeting all of our eyes and then looking at his men. The room crackles with tension and I know that it’s only a matter of minutes before someone blows, and I have a feeling that it’s going to be me.

Jonny huffs out a breath as he leans forward. “We were attacked, didn’t even see them fucking coming.”

“You know who it was?” Ty asks, his brows drawn down into a frown.

Jonny looks back up at me and I know from the look in his eyes that he knows exactly who did it.

“That’s none of your concern,” he says, turning away from me after he’s said it and looking back to Ty. “It’ll be taken care of.”

“Like hell it will!” I shout, standing up before I’m being pushed back down by Ty.

“Shut up,” he growls low enough for only me to hear. “Both you and I know that you ain’t gonna get the people who did this. Let it go.”

I grit my teeth, my jaw ticking. “You telling me if it was Kay that you’d let that shit go?”

He pulls back, his eyes flitting between mine as he tries to decipher what I’m saying.

“You need to tell me something, bro?”

I cross my arms over my chest, looking from Ty and back to Jonny, hating that I can’t and won’t say anymore.

I want to tell him that she’s mine, smack my fists on my chest and scream it from the rooftops, to hurt anyone who gets in my way of having her. But I don’t, instead I shake my head while puffing out a breath and lean back, waiting to hear how Kitty is.

We sit and wait for what feels like hours and finally a doctor comes in and tells us that she’s been taken to surgery, needing to have the bullet wound cleaned and to check for any shrapnel or infection. All of us are concerned and Jonny is still here, though I suspect it’s to make sure that she doesn’t talk. Like that’s not going to happen.

She’ll be telling me exactly what happened and who shot her so that I can put them away. He thinks he’s gotten away with it, well time’s up, he ain’t getting away with it anymore.

Someone walks over to him a couple of hours later, whispering something in his ear and he nods, standing up and grabbing his suit jacket.

I don’t know what the hell he’s up to, but as he walks out of the room, my feet want to follow him to find out.