“I should go,” I say, my voice soft and gentle.

“No,” he murmurs into my neck, pulling back slightly and smiling softly at me. “You’re not going anywhere.”


“You’re gonna get your sexy ass into that shower and I’m gonna join you, then you’re gonna put on one of my t-shirts and we’re gonna sit and watch some crappy TV together.”

“We are?” I ask, the frown on my forehead deepening with every word he says.

“We are, just like we used to.”

He pulls out of me, pushing up off the bed and holds his hand out to me, his brows raised, waiting to see what I do.

I look from his hand to his face and back again.

It somehow feels like taking his hand is a big decision, like some kind of barrier will be broken down by doing so. I don’t know when or how it happened, but I know that if I don’t take his hand, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.

My brain is screaming at me to run, but my heart, my heart is telling me to grab his hand and to never let go. My stomach tenses at the thought of getting dressed and walking out of here like I have every other single time. It’s not what I want, I know that much and as my eyes meet his again, the brown in them sparkling with nothing but the truth, I know that this is where I should be, right here, with him.

My hand slowly lifts to his and when he curls his fingers around mine, I know I’ve made the right decision.

Walking into the precinct, everyone looks at me like I’m a foreign object as I make my way through the main area and into the pit with a big-ass grin on my face.

I’m not even halfway to my office before Kurt is asking, “What’s got you so fucking happy?”

I just smile wider and make my way to my office, not giving a damn about anything or anyone. I’ve had the best goddamn twenty-four hours in years and nothing or nobody will change the way I feel right now.

I log into my computer, clicking straight onto my emails and going through all the boring stuff.

Nobody told me when I joined the police force that I’d be up to my eyeballs in paperwork. Sometimes I feel like a fucking secretary. Everybody thinks that you’re out there constantly saving lives and keeping the streets safe. Yeah, I do that too, but not as often as I’d like to.

Once all my emails are caught up on, I make my way into the pit, ready to get an update on the murder case at Wayward.

“Suspect has been charged, court date is to be made,” Kurt says, pulling the photos off the board. “A tip came in this morning from one of the CIs.”

I wave my hand for him to continue and lean against the desk opposite the whiteboard. There’s seven of us in this unit, including me. Kurt is my go-to guy, the one who I know I can rely on, no matter what. Then there’s Sanchez, Derrick, Mick, Jane, and Leroy. Together we make our unit and we pride ourselves on not having lost a case yet. Unless you include any that are against the May family. For years now we’ve been trying to get something on them. No matter what we get, nothing ever sticks. Every time we think we have something solid, they’re out of here within hours thanks to their fancy lawyers.

“Word on the street is that Jonny has a shipment due in this week,” Sanchez says, gaining all of our attention. He runs his hands through his ink black hair, short on the sides, longer on the top and styled in that way that makes it look like you woke up like that when it’s actually taken about half an hour to style it. Why people spend their time on that shit I don’t know.

His brown skin is covered in tattoos, half of which I know he hates, but going deep undercover years ago, he had no choice but to get most of them and he says it’ll hurt like hell to get them removed so he just keeps them.

“What kind of shipment?” I ask, perking up at the sound of Jonny’s name. If I can take him down soon, that’ll mean that Kitty can get the hell out of there.

“Guns and drugs, double whammy.” Sanchez wiggles his brows up and down, a knowing smirk on his lips.

My mind starts spinning, this could be it, this could be our chance to take him down once and for all.

“Sanchez, get your CI in here, we need all the info we can get. Mick, Derrick, get on the streets, grill your CIs, see if the info checks out. Kurt, Jane, contact all of the shipping companies in the area, see what’s coming in and out, try and find that shipment.” I push up off the desk, walk to my office and grab my sports jacket and an extra gun. “Leroy, you’re with me. Let’s go.”

I walk back out of the precinct, Leroy hot on my heels as I head straight to my car. We both jump in and I start the engine, speeding out of there and heading straight for Ty’s compound. Leroy doesn’t ask me where we’re going, but he’s a nosey fuck, so before he asks, I decide to fill him in.

“Kitty is undercover.”

“Huh?” he asks, turning his eyes to me. One blue and one brown. I’ve never seen anyone with eyes like that until he came to work in my unit, it still freaks me out sometimes. He says it’s because his mom is a blond haired, blue eyed girl with the palest skin you’ve ever seen and his dad is African-American. It certainly gets him extra attention from the ladies so I know he loves it.

“Mac Security,” I huff. When he nods in acknowledgement, I continue. “Kitty went undercover a few weeks back, working in Diva’s, they’re trying to get something on Jonny.”

“Oh, shit.”