“Kay? Try and get out of it.”

Pulling my arm back toward me didn’t make his grip loosen at all. So I tried several more times but all that it was doing was making my wrist burn from the friction and ended up frustrated.

“I can’t do it,” I moaned.

“You can’t get out of it by pulling. You need to turn your wrist, so that your thumb is pointing to the ceiling.” I moved my wrist. “Now jerk your arm by bending at your elbow.”

I put all my weight behind it, not expecting it to work. It did and I stumbled back as his hand let go, only just managing not to fall onto my butt.

It worked. I couldn’t believe it actually worked. I stared in amazement at my hand, my arm and then at Luke.

“It worked!” I squealed.

Ty grinned at me. I’d just got out of that big hulks grip!

I was on a high, nothing would bring me down-

Arms wrapped around me from behind squealing I thrashed about but it was no use I was brought down within seconds. The air whooshed out of me as I landed on my back.

Guess I could be brought down after all.


“Always be aware of your surroundings.” Ty said holding his hand out to me, taking it I let him pull me up. “We tell you this all the time,” he huffed.

“But he came from behind me” I groaned.

“An attacker isn’t going to wait for you to turn to face them Kay,” Luke said shaking his head.

“Once you’re aware of your surroundings you’ll be able to feel them coming. You need to spin and incapacitate them.”

Feel them coming?

I nodded, trying to take in all of the information. But it felt like I was back at school trying to learn math.

“A hit to the solar plexus will give you the upper hand or time to get away.”

“Where’s the solar plexus?” I frowned.

“Here,” Ty pointed to the top of his ribs, in the middle.

“Okay.” I nodded.

“You could target their nose with an upwards palm strike.” He did the action on Luke, not actually touching his nose but showing me how to do it.

“What will that do?” I asked.

“You’ll break their nose”

I grimaced, I didn’t like the thought of breaking someone’s nose.

“Won’t that make them bleed?” I squeaked.

“Probably” he shrugged “Your aim is to be able to get away”

“So I’m just trying to hurt them to give me time to run?”

“Yep” he nodded “You’re still in training Kay”